I’m afraid to write. I know what I’m suppose to write–a general idea anyway. But still, I’m scared. As a part-time freelance writer, I enjoy writing. It’s a satisfying way to share my heart and encourage others. And when God opens new doors in the publishing world, I’m always amazed at His goodness and grace. Getting paid to write, even better, right?
Not exactly. Because now I sense God wants me to write something totally different. Not another article. But something out of my comfort zone–a children’s book. A fiction children’s book with a Biblical lesson in it. And did I tell you I write non-fiction articles or devotionals for adults? I’ve never thought about writing for children or fiction.
Hmm? What’s God up to? Something I’m sure.
I’ve prayed and prayed for words, wisdom, and courage to face my fears about this idea. This parable I’ve had in my thoughts for about five years now. And all along I’ve thought it was a lesson for adults– written as non-fiction. Or taught in a workshop or to small groups. I’ve even had a few opportunities to share this parable, which so far have went well.
Well, this whole idea is being shaken and is shifting in ways I never imagined. Things like a phone call from a stranger this summer telling me to teach homeschool children. Counsel from a book agent last spring recommending homeschool children as my market. And a recent call from a friend asking me to teach this parable to homeschool children.
Homeschool children! What?
Oh my! I just NOW see how all three are saying the same thing. And I’m shaking. All three are saying write or teach homeschoolers. Has God been trying to tell me something since February and I’m just now getting it. I think He has the wrong person because I’m not a homeschool mom. Nor do I know many who are. And I don’t feel like I’m a teacher.
So now what? So, is it a fiction book or not? Or is it both–fiction and non-fiction? Is the parable for adults too?
Sometimes our dreams are small compared to God’s. Is this one of them?
This week I prayed again about direction and God spoke through His Word. Don’t you just love when that happens? I do.
David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.” 1 Chronicles 28:20
Because of my prayer and the timing of finding this Scripture, I believe God is calling me to do this work–a children’s book. How I will do this? I don’t know. I’m clueless. And terrified. But
I will do it. I’ve been kicking and screaming long enough, time to trust God–and respond.
So I ask for your prayers as I step out by faith and believe God will help me finish His work. Only because I believe so strongly there’s a message in it. A God given one.
Where it leads me, only God knows. But I find comfort knowing He goes with me.
As a mom who home schools, I’ll be your biggest cheerleader! Go, Tiffany, go! :o)
Praying with you, dear sister!
Praying God does fill you with faith and courage and opens doors wide open for you – I think this is a great venture – our kids really need great stories….
Standing beside ya too :0
Wow! What an exciting calling! I know how you feel about being scared. Been there SO many times. Keep reminding myself of the message of Ephesians, that HIS power is what brings forth the fruit He desires from me, not my own abilities. I still freak out, but keep seeking to return to the ONE who doesn’t so I can do what He put on my heart to do . . .
So, you know I’m a homeschooler, writer, involved in a fiction writing group and homeschool group and live near you . . . how can I help?
Love the new look ๐
Sweet sisters! Thank you for the encouragement and support.
It’s wonderful to hear from homeschool moms. Interesting to me how many of the blogs I visit are homeschool moms. Hmm?
I may be posting more about this as it progresses.
Paula, I’ll email you directly about this soon. Maybe we can meet up sometime and I can share with you more. I’d love to have your perspective on my idea.
Tiffany, I look forward to your updates. As a mom who is hoping to homeschool her girls some good fiction is always welcomed. Who would it teach? Well, you know parents can be impacted a lot by what they read to their children too right? :0) Blessings to you!