Why is it every time I write an article I’m tested? It’s quite funny now. I’m getting used to it. I used to think I will write once I’ve learned something. But the more I write, the more I realize I write to learn.
I’ve been trying to polish up an article about my struggle with fear for over two months now. I’ve tweaked it a few times and let it cool. Well yesterday, I gave it another round of reworking. And what do you know? I started struggling with anxiety, shortness of breath, the whole nine yards. So much for victory over my fears! Instead of giving in and quiting like I usually do, I pressed through and wrote anyway. The truth is I have learned a few things about fear, but that doesn’t mean I won’t ever struggle again.
So I battle the fight of faith. And I will continue to write to offer hope to others. It’d be easy to give up. It’s harder to fight. But for the sake of those who hide in shame from anxiety and fear, I will pick up my sword and strike!
Don’t let fear stop you from living your calling!
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. Mark Twain
It seems the “victory” comes in continuing to press on through it, whatever the issue is, in this case fear. The fact that you wrote anyway despite the anxiety — that’s truly a victory!
It’s the story of the Christian life, isn’t it? We wish Jesus would take away the trials, but His way is more often to walk us through them.
I’m so happy for you that you pressed right through in this one! Hope that article gets published.
Good Job Tiffany,
Love, Paulette Harris
Welcome back! I often think that I would love to write a book someday, but I need to “figure it all out first”. Y’know…clean up the messes in my life first, so I can write from a sparkly clean standpoint. Thanks for making me rethink that.
Tiffany, I am so new to this blogging,, but I came across you blog and love this post on fear. I have been fighting a spirit of fear for several months now and wonder sometimes if I am making any progress……. I have a blog, and also web site and the current devotional is on fear,, take a look see if you get a minute and let me know your thoughts,,,
Be blessed
http://www.samaritanwomen.com ( the web site) there is a link at the top of my blog,,,,,,,,