As I pulled up to a consignment shop this week, I noticed this sign. Isn’t it something? I love textures.
While I wandered around looking at antiques and collectibles, I talked with God saying something along these lines, “Lord, I don’t want to be wasting my time in here. Please walk and talk with me as I look around. Allow me to hear Your voice and know more. For some reason I feel led to peek in this store. Is there something in here You want me to see?”
Why that prayer? Because there’s something big going on behind the scenes right now. I was asking God to speak more clearly. I wanted to be sure this new thing was from Him. Otherwise, I don’t want it. Period.
God showed Himself alright. It just so happened while I was in a particular booth browsing my friend called. (My friend is in this new thing with me.) The timing was significant. A God moment. What she called to share with me and what I saw in front of me were the exact same meaning. We both knew it. God’s Word came alive to her and I saw it in a visual way in front of me. It blew our minds. Clear confirmation. God wowed us in the Treasure Shoppe.
How great is our God! Sing with me, how great… God hears and sees us every day. He heard and honored my simple prayer. You just never know where He may want to show you something tangible that lines up with HIS Word. That’s why I love to stop, look and listen.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:18-20 (NIV)
Question: What and where is your treasure?
Father God, I want my greatest treasure to always be You. Your heart, my treasure. Please, Lord, as I walk out into the new You have for this season, may my heart be set on You. Always looking at You, praising You, making Your name great! Never my own. Never to get silly treasures that rust. I love You, Jesus! Amen.
(The details coming soon. Thanks for letting me share and keep a secret at the same time. Are you excited? I am.)
Tiffany, I am so excited for you! There is nothing like those special "I love you" gifts that God gives to us personally. May the Lord continue to lead and guide you in every step during this new and exciting time ๐
Yes, LORD… this is awesome. Thank You LORD. Praise You!
Great post!
Enjoy your weekend!
Very excited…and also so thankful for the way God works.
Well, you have me in suspense!!
I am very excited for you dear friend, love you.
My, oh my … YES, I'm excited. Can't wait to hear more.
Hi Sweet Friend,
I stopped in to say hello and that I love you. I love the way the Lord shows you these things and…I'm excited for you too. I'll be back to read more.
Big Hugs,
I love it when God just shows Himself to us…. He isn't shy about getting His will done.
Love to you
Ok, want to hear more now! I love your heart Tiffany!
How cool… love it when God does that!
I can't wait to hear about your new thing, Tiffany! Excited for you. I know it will be a treasure, because I know where yours is ๐
His name is Jesus…
I absolutely love those God moments when His will and our awareness collide.
We need Him to speak when big things are on the horizon, more than ever, don't we? May He continue to make your way clear and bless your efforts, Tiffany.
Love this post. Food for thought. Thanks!
God the Father has treasured Christ above all things from all eternity. And the Holy Spirit was sent to enable us to see his worth for what it really is.