What does the word “love” really mean? Everyone knows God is love. Most of us have heard 1 Corinthians 13, love is patient, love is kind.
Did you ever wonder why the first attribute of love series is “love is patient”? What does patient mean?
The Greek word for patient is makrothumeō. It means to be long spirited, forbearing or (subjectively) patient: – bear (suffer) long, be longsuffering, have (long) patience, be patient, patiently endure.
Now that puts a whole new spin on love is patient, doesn’t it? We know by Christ’s example on the cross, he modeled this word perfectly. He was mocked, spit at and tortured. Why? Because God is love. Love endures, longsuffers and forbears. God made his love clear to all.
I cannot say the same about my love walk. I tend to run away from people that require me to long suffer.
Man if this is what love is patient means, I’m not sure I am ready to look up love is kind.
Girlfriend, I like your honesty.
Love endures.
Truth is, I want those who love me to bear with me–but I don’t always bear with them.
That’s a bit of a double-standard.
I don’t like to suffer very long either! 🙂 I am learning to be thankful for those instances that afford me the opportunity to grow in this area.
I fall short as a human often. I need God to help me love with a supernatural love. Sometimes Gods love doesn’t meet the other person’s definition. Good job Tiffany you shared honesty and Gods definition. Don’t you just love how our Lord makes it clear? He is so simple, I fall on my knees in wonder. I pray that with the Holy Spirit’s help, I can apply Gods love to all He brings into my life.
I am so glad I popped by your blog (from Dianne’s). God has been talking to me through I Cor 13 these past couple of days, and I blogged on this subject yesterday. Loved what you shared here – more thought provoking stuff! Yes, I’m not keen on suffering either, that’s for sure.
Being patient is sometimes the most selfless thing you can do. Nice looking blog.