Are you passionate about living out your life for Jesus? If so, will you share what that means or looks like to you? I’m curious.
For me, it looks like change. Uncomfortable at times, but good. An ever shifting perspective on God, life, others, and myself. A willingness to do the hard things like saying yes and saying no. Embracing seasons. Some full of activity. Others full of rest. Speaking up for injustice and risking my reputation. Sharing my passions when He allows. Giving to others. Looking for God in the ordinary moments. Finding Him to be enough. Reading His Word. Singing. Dancing. Capturing beauty on film. Listening. Lots of listening.
This week God is saying to me, “no idols before me.” As I examine my heart, I see activities that I’ve put above God. That’s easy for me to do. I can see them. They are tangible. Plus I have my reasons. These are not even bad things. They are good reasons.
My heart is broken as I lay down some things in order to put God first again. To refocus on Him. To hear Him. To know Him more. And at the same time, I am thankful for eyes to see clearly again.
I’ve been here before and I remember what God did during times like this. Nothing is wasted by pausing and resting. I have everything to gain. I gain more of my Jesus. There’s nothing sweeter. I live for Him.
Please pray for me as I enter into that secret place with my Lord for a season. I sense a greater awakening is in store. Chances are I will share what I am learning here on my blog. If I don’t, it’s because God wants the time to be between us.
Until next time, peace and grace, my friends.
This question is so poignant and real that it takes a moment to really verbalize what Jesus looks like.
I really am excited to see what God has in store for you. You are inspiring.
God is Blessing,
I find myself at this place often. How easily things can be put before Him before we would ever mean them to or recognize that they have. And this happens all too often while we’re working for Him! Oh precious Lord, help us to remember- YOU FIRST!
Thank you.
Sold Out… Paul said he was a bondslave of Christ. What does it look like? …At once discovering the treasure, he went and hid it in a field, sold all he had, bought the field…
I think it looks like all else pales in comparison to Jesus. It looks like willing to die to self. It looks like being unpopular when you speak the truth in love, or when you choose not to participate in worldly activities or watch movies that offend God. It looks like saying no to self and giving the money to something eternal such as a missionary need or the food shelf. It looks like disciplining and instructing your children in the ways of the Lord (sometimes being unpopular with them!) It looks like loving in the face of an offense, not taking revenge, bless and do not curse. It looks like radical obedience. It looks like constant watchfullness in prayer. It looks like washing the feet of the saints. Giving your time to their needs when God calls you to.
It looks like Jesus! A life laid down, a cross to bear, and a Heavenly Father to serve…
God bless your little retreat!
Love, Kathy
When nothing else in this world matters but Him. When my heart is His and His alone. When I let go of the death grip I have on things that I think too precious to let go of, too painful. When I lose myself and everything I am to Him. When nothing else matters…I will find myself in Him. Our reflections will mirror. When we are finally One. But only when nothing else matters…when my eyes see only Him…and my heart is not divided…He is all that matters…
Thank you Tiffany for making me think once again. Thank you for your tireless service for Him. This time alone with Him will be precious as I am sure you know. Pain brings the precious. Enjoy your reward…
I am praying for you. Those times are the sweetest spent for me. It is personal between my Savior and me. I always have fresh sweet fruit to savor for those who wish it after that time with the Lord. And…I have matured on the Vine.
“…in quietness and trust shall be your strength…the Lord longs to be gracious to you…Blessed are all who wait for Him” (Isaiah 30:15, 18)
Praying for you during this special season. I know God is up to something wonderful.
Love you Tiffany♥
God run with her for she is a precious daughter of Yours, speak to her heart, fill her with everything you can squeeze into her and then let her go touch those around her in Your precious name-Amen