(I took this picture at the City Museum in St. Louis last week.)
He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6(NIV)
This morning Hannah touched my heart without even knowing it.
“I wish when you dumped out water in the sink it would go to the poor people,” Hannah said as she poured out her water glass from last night.
“That’s a great idea.” I said.
“They should invent something like that,” Hannah added.
Wow, I love it that my girl is thinking beyond herself at age 11 and that she is thinking about those who have no clean water. One of my dreams is to drill a water well in Africa!
For Hannah loves like Jesus loves…and I don’t have to take too long to guess where she gets it…from her beautiful Jesus loving momma!
That is just precious! Thanks for sharing!
How precious! The heart of our children when they are compassionate toward those who are in need or hurting…it just warms my heart so to hear of sweet Hannah!
((hugs)) to you!!
Oh wow! What great thoughts from such a young one. That is why Jesus tels us to be like the little children. How precious is their faith.
Love the picture, too!
I think your Hannah and my Lydia would get along great…. both have tender hearts AND both are 11!!!
I am glad you had a good time away… I’ve missed you!
I LOVED the picture!!!
I’m sorry you came back with a cold!!
Oh what a tender heart, just like her mom’s…
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Tiffany.
Love you♥
Oh…I LOVE the picture…and I LOVE what your daughter said!! So precious.
Glad to have discovered your blog today! Thanks for sharing like you do.
What a great thing this is! You are doing a good job teaching the next generation. Praise God.
Oh I love that!! You know, come to think of it, someone should invent something like that! Maybe it’s your Hannah 😀
Bless you this morning!
How precious and beautiful your little girls heart is!!
It’s so important for us to “live aware” of our surroundings as your precious little girl is.
The Lord had me so there yesterday and I blogged about it on one of my blogs yesterday but never said as wonderfully, simply and profoundly as your precious Hannah!
Blessings and peace! I also love the photo you took.
So beautiful, Tiffany. The eyes of a child see so purely. Just lovely.