I am preparing to run my first 5K (June 2nd). I’m trying to raise $500 for our local crisis pregnancy center. For the past several years now I’ve volunteered for Life Network, co-leading post abortion Bible study groups.
Because of my abortion in 1990, I love to help others who are once where I was:
* Bound in shame and/or secrecy.
* Angry and bitter.
* Unable to forgive themselves.
* Unable to receive the love of God.
I’m running to honor the lives lost through abortion. I’m running because I believe in the ministry of Life Network to help women in crisis pregnancy. I’m running on behalf of my baby Grace. And I cannot wait to meet her face to face.
Will you prayerfully consider donating? (Your donation is tax-deductible) Every dollar helps.
If you aren’t able to donate, NO pressure. You can help by PRAYING. Prayer is powerful. And I believe some of you will do just that.. 🙂
(PS As I’ve been training, I’m having knee pain, so I might be walking/ jogging instead. Regardless, I will be there.)