Wanted to share this powerful video today. It speaks much about character and what happens when players come together no matter what stands between them.
Lord, help Your people live well. Help us think of others more than ourselves. It’s not about keeping score. People matter more than home runs. We want to finish well for Your namesake. We love You, Jesus. Amen.
Have a wonderful day, friends! We are off for an adventurous day at the zoo and wherever else we feel like stopping along the way.
WOW! That was a two-kleenex box clip. Those young women not only showed true sportsmanship, but set an example and standard rare in today's "it's all about me" society. Good on them! Blessings, SusanD
I love videos and even movies like this. I just wish they made more of them. Perhaps it would influence better behavior from everyone. Greed and the "Me" generation has now become the majority.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh to recognise the opportunities to be the scafolding for each others greatness … how awesome is that.
I remember when this happened. Still, watching it again brought tears to my eyes. I have been a coach for 19 years and this year I umped. I have been yelled at, seen horrible displays of anger, and witnessed ugly arguments on the field and in the stands, and all of that by the adults! Youth often display greater character than the "grown-ups." This video is a peek into the heart of a young girl that is filled with character. Thanks for sharing this.
Pass the kleenex sweetie.
I meant to stop by Monday and tell you about my CD giveaway (since I got that great book in yours!), but I'm just now getting around to it! If you have a minute pop by. The giveaway is for a Christy Nockels CD.
Take care!
I'm balling my eyes out. What a wonderful video.
Yes, Lord! Praise You in Jesus' name.
What a moving story…….. You stopped by my Samaritan Women blog a while back and I am just now seeing your comment….. Thanks for stopping by and nice to meet you.. I will come back and read more often.
My eyes are overflowing with tears for the compassion and humility shown in this entire video.
Thank you for sharing it. I'll pass this one on to my two daughters who were once catcher- pitcher combos in HS and one of them tore her ACL and played softball with a 24 inch heavy brace attached to her leg after that.
What a testimony of "What would Jesus do?"
Blessings, Stephanie
[JESUS the One I Thirst For]
We are a baseball family. My son Josiah plays all summer long. He is in his last week right now. This video was awesome! I want to show it to him.
Hope you had a fun day at the zoo and whatever else you decided to do!! ๐