Can’t believe I missed the Thankful Thursday post this week. Life this week has been extra full. Full of highs and lows.
I thought I’d chime in today and update you on my week.
The writers conference was incredible. Staying at the Broadmoor( a five star, five diamond hotel) for two nights was a real treat. Thank God for Beth and Scoti, we split the room by three. I met with numerous editors from magazine and book publishing houses. I heard what every writer longs to hear.
“Send me your book proposal and sample chapters.”
I connected face to face with Suzie Eller, a new friend who interviewed me for her website. If you are interested in reading more about my abortion experience(again), visit her site.
My favorite part about conferences is meeting new friends, encouraging them and praying for them. Hearing about what they are doing and what God has impressed upon their heart.
So basically my week I moved forward with my book idea. Started writing my proposal and first chapter. I sat for a couple hours at the bookstore checking out the market. I’m thankful to see no one is writing about shame from the angle I plan to. Lord willing, I can recruit women to share their stories. That’s the hard part. No one wants to talk about this stuff. Yet I know that’s where the healing begins. By being real before God and a few trusted friends. I really want women to believe they are worthy and that God loves and forgives and heals their wounded heart.
The lows of my week are sickness. Not mine. But those I love. My husband has been sick for two weeks. Chest congestion. My prayer partner had pneumonia. My spiritual mentor and dear friend has a bulging disc and is bed ridden. My writing friend, Beth, found out her close friend’s son, who’s 12, has cancer. Not looking good. Please pray for Ian. Or better yet, visit his link and let him know you are praying. He loves jokes too.
And another low was at midnight last night when a police officer rang our doorbell, saying he got a call about a prowler in the neighborhood. And what do you know, our garage was open. I know we shut it. Strange and scary. I prayed the blood of Christ on every opening of our house as I lay in bed. I imagined dipping my finger in blood and making crosses on every window and door. I prayed for peace and eventually I fell back asleep.
This incident doesn’t surprise me. Considering I am stepping out to write about shame. I believe Satan wants to scare me. He wants me to cower and surrender. I will not. I will fight for freedom of women. I will lay my life on the altar of his love and protection. God is my strong tower and shield. I am hidden in Christ.
Okay this is becoming a novel. I’m sorry for the rambling post. It’s been a while and I feel like I have a lot to say. I’m still leaving details out. But that’s okay.
Oh one more thing, I received a new Christian film called Magdelena, subtitled, “Released from shame” in the mail. My mom bought it for me from her church last weekend, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. I’m excited to soak in the scenes. I’ve been too busy or too tired to watch it. Thank you, Mom.
I’m thankful!
Hey sweet one, I missed you. I am so glad you enjoyed the conference. Sorry for all the sickness your loved ones are dealing with, I will pray for them all. I will pray for God to surround your home with protection. I am lifting you up as you start your journey on your new blog, I love you.
“I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:1-5
Tiffany, this passage is the one I turn to every time the enemy tries to mess with me by draggin up those sins God has thrown into the sea. Do you have people praying for you while you are writing? Please let me know if you have scheduled times to write. I would consider it an honor to cover you in prayer during those times. (((Hugs)))
I love this post. I love your passion for the freedom of women. We are indeed kindred spirits.
FYI – 2-11-08 through 2-17-08 is Random Acts of Kindness Week. We can have some fun with this as Christiains.
Come by my blog, I have some awards for you.
Hey girl, It was incredible meeting you. I hope to stay in touch. Good luck (and more) on your proposal and manuscript.
Suzie Eller