Please tune in to the Her Freedom radio show next Wednesday, April 8th, 9am mountain time at Castle Rock This is the same internet radio show I shared my abortion recovery on back in February. However, this time Janna Kazsa and I will be hosting the show together. We will be interviewing Norma McCorvey, the former “Roe” of Roe vs. Wade. If you don’t know McCorvey’s story, she is now a Christian and a pro-life advocate. She has quite a story.
I’m so excited to be a part of this show. It lines up with passion to speak out about abortion and for life! I hope you will tune in. Please feel free to share this with others. The broadcast will also be archived if you can’t listen online live.
Please pray for Norma, the listeners, and Janna and me. Also there’s a slight chance I may be hosting the show myself. Janna’s expecting her first baby and her due date is April 10th. I told her I’d do either to help out, cohost or host. Boy, I’m putting myself out there. Lord, help me. I’m clueless, but You aren’t.
May God continue to use our messes to bring forth His message!
There’s life after death.
How exciting for you! I had no idea “Roe” had become a Christian! That is terrific to hear! I will have to see if there is a way for me to hear you in Oregon! :0) May God go before you and be with you as you speak His truth!
That is so awesome sweetie, will be praying.
OOOO! I believe we have a new “ministry” developing!!! “Radio show host??”
As someone told me…and I balked at the idea…”don’t limit God’s plan with what you think He has in mind…” we really have no idea where all He JUST MIGHT INTEND TO USE US!
(I sure hope I don’t have to eat those words)
I just love you girl! I hope it’s to where I can listen! (Can I tune in via net??)
What the enemy meant for evil,God has using for good!!!
Will it be recorded? I’m not sure if I will be able to listen to it live because I’ll be meeting with a client around that time.
I asked that you fill my friend’s mouth with words of truth and grace. Let her story pierce the hearts of those who are listening,so to bring change in their lives. We gave you all the glory! Amen
Yay! What a great opportunity either way.
I’ll plan to listen to the recorded version.
How exciting!! :o) You are one brave toaster and I will definitely keep you in my prayers, kudos to you for speaking out against abortion ๐
I had no idea McCorvey was pro-life and Christian, PTL!!
I wont wish you luck but I will wish you prayers ๐
<3 Martha
You are such an amazing woman of God, you are submitting your will and just look at what He is doing. He is working out a perfect and beautifl will in you and through you! Praying for you this amazing radio show ministry!!
I have the sneaky feeling that God will use you in amazing ways with this.
Prayers that all will go well with this exciting opportunity.
PRAISE THE LORD TIFFANY! May GOD be glorified and everyone be blessed. I pray for God’s peace in you and His words to flow through you and for lives to be changed as a result. I will try to tune in too.
Love you.
WOW! Tiffany, what an amazing opportunity. I’d love to hear her testimony. Good luck, and I will be praying! Blessings!
Praise God for this opportunity! “But we have this “treasure” in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Corin.4:7 CHRIST in YOU the HOPE of GLORY! He will be glorified through you… just rest in His ability to perform a good work! Prayers, BarbaraJean
I’m excited for you Tiffany. My thoughts and prayers are being said for you for this upcoming broadcast.
Just stopping by to say hello! God bless your ministry to women, Tiffany. Wonderful to hear you’ll be a part of this radio show! โฅ
What a thrilling opportunity for you, girl! You’re already on my prayer list, of course. I know God will use this show to touch many. Praise God for opening this door for you!