Love this quote.
Thank you all for praying me through the online radio show about abortion recovery. (LISTEN HERE) I pray God will use Lucy and my words to help others. The show was harder than I expected. I felt nervous and could feel it in my voice and spirit. Towards the end I felt passion come. I pray what was said points listeners to Jesus. He is my healer. My answer.
During the show, God opened my eyes to my need for Him to have further access to my past childhood sexual abuse. I’ve forgiven my molesters. At least one of them for sure. And that experience was powerfully life changing. I’ve even written about the freedom of forgiveness here.
Forgiveness is a beautiful gift to share. Agree?
However, I sense I haven’t dealt fully with my childhood loss. So much for thinking I had. Ha ha. It’s time to trust God for more healing. Goodness, who knew a woman over 40 would discover she’s still so broken in places.
I will not live as a victim. No way. I am victorious through Christ. In Him, I find my hope. In Him, I am free. Free indeed!
Loved beyond measure.
(pic taken of a magazine quote I loved)
Inner healing always comes in layers…you think you're done, and then God, in His infinite wisdom and lovingkindness takes you another layer deeper. I am so glad that He is always motivated by His great, great, love and He deals with our stuff because He wants to remove anything that hinders His love from reaching to our innermost being. He loves you so, so much…How you move His great heart.
Great words, Elizabeth. So true too. I know His love. 🙂 Now time to dive deeper into His heart for more healing. He is good.
I love you sis.
Celebrating your victories with you from a distance. Oh girl now matter your age…just trust and know that all of what He has for you is in His perfect time…healing when He had determined it needed to be done. I am also celebrating the freedom you are sharing for others to experience in a personal relationship with their Jesus! Yeah!
You go girl…you keep just living life on purpose! Because it looks so beautiful in you and through you!
I think there's always more healing to explore and embrace. I'm so glad He's faithful to show it to us…
Thanks Tiffany.
It was a privilege and an honor to pray for you.
Blessings and hugs,
I think they are all small significant steps to get you to the healed person you are meant to come and for all of us never comes easily.
I am thankful for God using this time to heal one more wound in your life and point you to the next layer you need to heal as well.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I didnt get to listen today, but I will head over and listen to the archive. I know that Gods words spoke through you today and reached many many places and people because of your obedience and faith in Him.
Today our Father was proud of his child. Praying he showers you in many blessings. God Bless you my friend.
I think if God dealt with all our brokenness at once, our weak flesh would probably die from the pain. It is His tender mercy to heal us a step at a time.
Amen,amen!!! Just when we think it's over that thing rears it's "Ugly" head again!! But there is complete healing for us,and we're going to have it!!!!!! "Hallelujah" God is going to give us our "Freedom" from these things oh yeaaa!
Love you Tiffany and I really enjoyed your post it touched my heart.
Totally agree with Elizabeth. Healing comes in layers, like peeling an onion….one layer at a time. I've often said, "I must be one big onion" cause there have been LOTS of layers in my life…..
I'm 52 and still seeing broken places. That's meant to comfort you! lol
Glad to hear your radio show went well.
Yes, sometimes healing comes completely in an instant and at other times it comes slowly, over time. What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing it!
As I read your post about being molested it made me angry. My wife came from a background of abuse….and she will take those scars to her grave.
My wife would probably agree with you… but I do not believe in forgiving someone who does not ask for forgiveness and repents.
Commenting on Luke 17:3 (”If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him”), John Stott, Confess Your Sins: The Way of Reconciliation, page 35, writes:
“We are to rebuke a brother if he sins against us; we are to forgive him if he repents — and only if he repents. We must beware of cheapening forgiveness. . . . If a brother who has sinned against us refuses to repent, we should not forgive him. Does this startle you? It is what Jesus taught. . . . ‘Forgiveness’ includes restoration to fellowship. If we can restore to full and intimate fellowship with ourselves a sinning and unrepentant brother, we reveal not the depth of our love but its shallowness.”
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and beliefs. I respect your right to share them with me.
However, I believe forgiveness is key to MY healing. I do not have relationship with any of my molesters. There would never be relationship. They are more or less strangers. I need to release them for my sake, and not carry them with me each day. I don't want anger or bitterness or shame to destroy me.
I want full freedom, life to the full as in John 10:10. I think of Jesus on the cross. "Father, forgive them…"
I wrote about this topic on the article I linked to within this blog post. Hope this helps you see life through my lens.
My prayer is that your wife finds peace and rest for her soul. I'm sorry about her abuse. It changes our way of thinking.
God bless your family.
I was thinking the same thing that Ginger said. God knows how much we can handle and knows when we can go deeper in our healing.
Regarding the comment from anonymous, I believe those scriptures are referring to brothers and sisters in the Lord. The idea behind church discipline is always restoration and reconciliation, but if a fellow believer is unrepentent, he cannot and should not continue in the fellowship until such time as he repents.
That is an entirely different situation than our forgiving of someone who has offended us. We may never meet up with this person or they may even be dead, but forgiveness will unlock the chains that otherwise would keep us bound and tormented.
Some times the ONLY way we can truly forgive another is by remembering that Christ has forgiven us. When we have been forgiven of much, we then can love much.
Oh Tiffany I am so happy that God has his fingerprints all over your story. He who the Son sets free is free indeed!
Wow! Tiffany, it takes a lot of courage and humility to admit you desire more healing regarding your childhood loss of innocence. That's powerful. It gives courage to others to admit where they want God to provide further healing. Your honesty takes the sting out of the shame others may be feeling about something that was not their fault. I'm so thankful for your example to boldly approach brokenness and Lord.
As the interview began, I asked the listeners in the "chat box." I'm usually not prompted by the Spirit to do this. I didn't know the reason then. I did afer the show when we connected briefly and even more now in this wonderful post.
Like you, Tiffany, I was abused sexually as a child. I was 14. It was confusing and I chose back then to not deal with it because I lacked a person to confide in.
Then in my early 30s, God said, "Now, Lucy." And for the very first time I shared my deep secret. I had not even told my husband.
Praise God. . .he has healed me from the pain and shame. I forgave the person who molested me. However, it was difficult to forgive my parents, who should have protected me, but in their neglegence did not.
As one person said, healing comes in layers. I pray that our beautiful Lord comforts you as you continue your path toward healing.
He will take you to the healing place, for he is good.
Blessings, Lucy (your interviewer on the radio show)
Sorry, I didn't finish the first sentence. I asked folks in the "chat box" on BlogTalkRadio to pray for you.
I sit in awe of how I've watched you grow over the years.
God is truly bringing wholeness and healing to your life, step by step.
Isn't wonderful to know how gentle and loving our Father is? He won't rush us and gives us the grace we need for every place He's called us to conquer!
So blessed to call you my friend.
I be back to listen to your show later. Can't wait~
I appreciate your post, Tiffany. Your entire blog is a beautiful ministry. Our healing from sexual abuse is sometimes one step forward and two steps back. The Scriptures tell us that "from glory to glary he is changing us". It is a step at a time, each in His time. Sometimes even at 60 and over one can still be "being healed". God will "perfect that which concerns us." He is so loving a faithful. He is using you for the healing of others.
My love and prayers remain with you dear Sister especially as one who has walked through some traumas etc that needed JESUS healing touch. Your heart to stand for LIFE and to walk in FREEDOM in JESUS in all areas is awesome!
How well I understand this process. I recently went through something like this when I wrote my poem, "I'm From…" which is posted on my Bold & Free blog.
I'm coming to understand that healing comes in layers and is a lifelong process. Sometimes forgiveness is as well.
Thank you for sharing this. I'll listen to your broadcast as well.
Blessings to you!