Do you feel the tug of war going on all around you? I do.
The last couple weeks I’ve felt a strange battle over me. Restlessness and discouragement hover nearby. So much for any pride I may have had in my spiritual growth. It’s gone. I’m humbled again, brought low by God’s design.
Should I blame this tug of war on my hormones? Is it the summer heat? Am I out of balance? Burned out? Stubborn and in sin? Or. . . is this part of the invisible war?
There is a real enemy who wants my life shut up, snuffed out and defeated. Satan wants me as good as dead. But I can’t loose my grip when I feel the rope slipping through my fingers. Instead I must stand firm, lean into the battle with every ounce of strength I have, trust God, AND KEEP ON PULLING!!!
I’m not playing games anymore. This is all out war!
Care to join me?
There’s power in pulling together. We’ve got God on our side. Praise God victory is already ours because of Christ.
Thank you, Jesus!
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:11-18 (NIV)
(pics taken at my kids’ school on field day)
You are certainly not alone. And if hormones are to blame, then I'm there with you. I've been laid low, but I call on His name and trust in His grace and that's all I can do. We have to put on that armor and move forward. So much fear, doubt, and destruction lurking, but Jesus has overcome it all. Thanks for the encouragement today! Blessings- standing with you as always.
Walking by faith is a constant battle. I have to let go and let God do it!
Right there with you, Tiffany. You are right! Satan does not want you or me to tell God's children of the love that God has for them. Satan doesn't want the daughters of God healed and whole. He wants them to burn with him. Didn't you or don't you just hate the bullies on the play ground? Well, Satan the bully has already been defeated by the blood of Jesus. So by faith we will carry on. Our reward waits for us just on the other side of the pearly gates. If I don't meet you here on this earth, I'll meet you in our Father's home! Oh, and it's okay to fight this bully back! You aren't even required to turn the other cheek.
Linda J
Satan sure does love to use every opportunity he can get to gain a foothold in our lives so he can build strongholds at that uncludes using our hormones, energy levels (or lack there of) or even what we eat against us. Prayer is a potent tool against us to fight the battle. Comparing our walk with God to war is my most favorite analogy mostly because it isn't just an analogy, it really is an out right war.
Amen. Great post.
thank you so much for the encouragement.
i just called my two closest friends and said
(screamed) "help!" our family has been under
extraordinary attack.
thank the Lord for praying friends.
I am standing with you sis, I am ready to do battle with you, and for you.Our Father has equipped us for this battle.
I'm with you on this! Have you read Selwyn Hughes's devotional on the Armor of God? Worth a look!
Tiffany, I've been feeling the same tug. I must admit (rather shamefully) I haven't been in the fight mode. Just sat on the ground and let the rope fall through my fingers. Ugh.
Thank you for the reminder to get back in the battle.
Standing up, grabbing the rope, and pulling with God's strength and might!
I've fought my own such battle this week! Sounds like the enemy has been going to and fro looking for whom he can devour. Thanks be to God, we have One who stands in diligent watch over our souls!!!
It certainly is a war isn't it? I am reminded of that often, especially on days that I let down my guard.
Claiming and dressing in that scripture today! The War is on everyday and we must be 'ARMED'!!
That makes us very 'armed and dangerous' against the enemy!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
Tiffany… I'm with you. I'm sold out to Jesus. I posted something like this on my blog a bit ago. You can see it here. Also, here.
Let's stand together in Christ!