This song and demonstration of worship made me tear up! My heart often feels like responding to God in this way. I feel like my radio interview is a form of worship! (See post below for link to listen live at 9am mst) I’m in love with my God. May my words be a love offering to Him today!
May we all praise Him today wherever we are at. He is holy!
I have been praying for you this morning. The Lord is with you Tiffany. B
I love David Crowder Band! I love their worship style and all their lyrical devotion to the Lord!
this video makes me Praise God for America because if perhaps anywhere else in the world this young fellow were to show an outward display of worship to His King he could have been arrested!
Praise God for the missionaries and martyers who boldly take the gospel to places where known persecution is to be expected!
I can’t wait to listen your interview! I’ll Be back soon, until then god bless you (and forever :O)
In Him, Deanna
Hey girl, I went to listen and had the times wrong…ugghhh…
But I called in and they said it would be up in the archives in an hour, so I’ll listen then!
Hope it went well….
Love ya!
I love you my friend.
True freedom…to worship in spirit and in truth, no matter the traffic, no matter who’s watching. We sing to an audience of One…praise his holy name!
PS: I knew where this video was going even before it took me there. Why? Because this song takes me there everytime. You should see me while out running when it cycles through my ipod.