My friend recently told me about a teaching she heard about life being a song. Our conversation was brief but I still cannot get this thought out of my head. My mind continues to mull over this idea. It’s been a few weeks now, so it’s time to blog about it. I’ve added my own interpretation.
God is writing a musical masterpiece through each of our lives. Life would be boring if we had the same note being played year after year. Yet we want a normal, no chaos life. Why is that? Instead God has a better plan. He allows highs and lows and even rests to come into our lives. Wouldn’t we all agree the best of voices have a good range to them? We love the sound of a voice that can sing high and low notes without cracking. We listen in awe. But in life we don’t want the variety of notes and rests to affect us personally. But the best of lives include melody and silence. Don’t you agree?
So where are you in your life’s song? Hitting the high note, enjoying the pleasures of life? Hitting a low note, feeling sorrow and pain? Or are you in a rest, waiting for the music to start up again, feeling forgotten?
Wherever you are, know God is there. Watching over you with a smile. He has a purpose for all of your life’s notes. He will finish what he started and it will be beautiful. No doubt. I imagine your unique melody playing as you enter heaven. I imagine joyful celebration from the crowd as the beauty of your life’s song echoes into eternity!
Let your life song sing on earth today!
(there’s a great song called Life Song)
Hi Tiffany! I just wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog. ๐ Blessings!…Cathy
I enjoyed your thoughts this morning Tiffany.
Hugs and Blessings your way.
I love this blog entry! Another thought: In music, the most exciting pieces have dissonant chords that resolve into a harmonious chord. In the same way, the dissonant parts of our life give greater meaning to the resolution into harmony. We appreciate the sweeter times after we’ve been through the hard ones.