If I say, “I will not mention him,
or speak any more in his name,”
there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in,
and I cannot.Jeremiah 20:9 ESV
Can you relate to Jeremiah’s heart cry? Do you have something that burns inside you? Do you feel shut up if you don’t speak out? If so, what stops you for sharing it boldly? Is it fear? Is it insecurity? What is it?
I believe it’s time we let the fire within come out. God is inviting you to join Him in sharing the passions of your heart. Chances are they are His heart in you.
Speak out in the name of Love.
Speak out for sake of others.
Speak out because if you don’t, you will burn up.
Your life-giving words are like adding another log to His holy fire.
So keep the fire burning!
Lord Jesus, help us live on fire for You. Help us speak about the burning passions of our heart. We have nothing to fear except fear itself. We don’t want to live shut up lives, we want to shout out because people need our words, people need hope. Let our love speak! Amen
Amen! Burning with you, Tiffany!
This was a great post….I think we have all felt this fire burning…..
I loved this line:
“Your life-giving words are like adding another log to His holy fire.”
Wow! This is just what I needed today.