Thankful this Thursday for:
love. Without love, my life would be empty. The other day I felt such deep love in my heart that I cried telling my girlfriend how much I love her adopted boy. It felt so good it hurt. I can’t fathom the love God feels for us. I taste just a teaspoon from time to time. I’m always hungry for more. Bring on the love, Lord.
Derek and our two children.Gotta say I love having a family. They bless me beyond measure.
Linda Dillow’s talk. She spoke to a group of women at a local church here in the Springs Tuesday night. Her message comfirmed what God is telling me. Surrender and worship Me. She spoke with passion. The sentence I keep hearing her say is, “I wanted to be a lover of God who worked for him. Instead I became a worker of God who loved him.” Which one are you? The lover or the worker?
God’s provision for my friend. I am in awe of the way God answers her desperate prayers so faithfully. He is the God of miracles. When the money was gone, He provided. When hope was gone, He sent three women to pray and read Scripture. He went above and beyond that and is sending a missionary group to her home next weekend to clean it from top to bottom. Her faith and His provision continue to strengthen my walk.
believing God. I’m finally feeling free. Free to be who God created me to be. I don’t feel bound anymore to the voices of my past. The voices of self hatred. Or the voices of defeat. I actually believe deep in my heart God’s word is true for me. I believe God is calling me to be a voice for Him. Through writing and speaking. This is a desire I’ve had for at least seven years. I’m slowly watching Him open doors for me to share my pain, my shame, and my hope.
the power of forgiveness. It’s true that forgiving others is for our benefit. Working through my childhood sexual abuse recently has brought me such peace. I plan to write an “I forgive you” letter. I might even mail it. I will tell this man about the love and forgiveness of my Lord. I will release him. Who knows what God might do. He forgave a criminal hanging on the cross next to him the moment he asked. Is it possible for God’s love to penetrate through the most evil heart? Does God stop loving this pervert because of his sin? No. God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. Unbelievable and yet true.
Okay there are some deep ones this week. Breathe now. I’m okay. Really I am. God is good.
Happy Valentines Day!
Thank you to Iris atSting My Heart for hosting this week’s Thankful Thursday.
You continue to amaze me. God is truly doing such a GREAT work in your life these days.
You will come out of this fire, purified, I’m seeing such a beautiful reflection of Jesus each time I stop by.
Blessings to you this day~
PS A friend did a teaching once called “Pruned to Bloom”, that is what I see!
Wow, what a list! I feel so blessed to have read your words today. God is so good! Happy Valentine’s Day!
What a encouraging thankful list of victory. Praise God.
Bless your heart, great post. Yes we have to forgive even those who wound us the deepest because not to do so harms us more than them. You are a brave lady.
Mama Bear
What a powerful list of thankfuls!
God loves you dearly precious one, happy valentines day.
Those are deep….and lovely. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Happy Valentines to you, Tiffany!
Great TT post for Valentines Day!
Thanks for sharing. And I LOVE the music on your blog.
It sounds like God has really been working in your life and healing your hurts. That’s awesome. It will be exciting for you as He opens those doors and shows you His Will. I hope that someone, who needs to forgive, will come to this post and see that it can be done.
Wow, Tiffany – what a powerful post about God and His love for all of us. It is beautiful to see how God is moving in the lives of others and my own.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this past week.
Blessings to you and yours.