I’m just loving these days to pause and be thankful. I feel grateful every day and I love being able to post my thoughts about why I choose to live with gratitude.
Today I am thankful for:
* a wonderful walk and prayer time with a friend outside this morning.
* the fall colors starting to appear. Perfect weather.
* a phone conversation with a blogging friend. Deep God talk for three hours, gotta love it!
* “thankful journal” time twice this week with my kids. (This is something we practice as a family.)
* lunch with a friend. Another three hour conversation. So encouraging.
* my writing buddy’s spirits lifting this week. Yeah! I hate it when my friends are down.
* relationships. I love the gift of people! They bring great joy to my life. Even when they are difficult, there is still a blessing of knowing and loving them.
* sunflowers blooming in the open fields all across Colorado Springs! A reminder of God’s love.
* Grandma taking time to go to Hannah’s school today for Grandparents Day!
* my future Bible study with teen girls starting next week. Girls are signing up still this weekend. Praying for the perfect ones God wants in this group.
* the ability to rest in God and not strive for His approval!
* the “Do You Think I am Beautiful” conference(middle school to college girls) tomorrow night. I look forward to hearing Angela Thomas’s message alongside my daughter and among friends.
* the opportunity to encourage young writers. Monday I am giving a presentation to a small group of homeschool kids grades K-4.
* good feedback from publishers so far about The Girlfriend Codes book proposal. Still waiting and learning to trust God with the outcome. It can take months for a final decision.
* fellow bloggers and their comments. I appreciate every word! What a treasure to have connections with people all across the US and even abroad.
* the comfort of knowing I am completely loved by the greatest lover–God!
Want to join in with your list of thanks? Visit Iris at Sting My Heart.
What a precious TT post! Love the sunflowers too. God bless your thankful heart!
Blessings to you today, sweet sister!
You gotta love those 3 hour God talk phone conversations…. I know I do!
You are a treasure to my heart!
Loved your list!
Gotta love sunflowers and girlfriend time!
Have a blessed weekend.
Wow; you are definitely a relationship person. I appreciate reading about how you are thankful for those long talks with friends. I’m glad I found your blog on the list. BTW, I love your header picture!
And you are part of the reason the “fog” is lifting.
I am thankful, thankful for you!
Wow, what a great week you’ve had Tiffany!
Signs of fall? Hmmm, I’d love to see that down here.
Thanks for sharing your grateful heart with us.
Hope you have a great weekend Tiffany~
Much to be thankful for today! God bless you.
A great list of things to be thankful for… I am so excited for you and your daughter that you get to hear Angela Thomas, I taught that Bible study to some youth girls a few years ago, it was a great study.
To have 3 hours to spend in conversation with a friend, what a blessing that is… at this season in my life that would definitely be a rarity!
Hi, sweetie–Check my Friday post. I got tagged–and I tagged you!
So many wonderful things to be thankful for!!
I really enjoyed Angela Thomas’ “Do You Think I’m Beautiful” study. I would love to hear her in person. I need to tell her thank you for encouraging me to be brave and step out of my comfort zone.
I hope the Lord blesses all ya’ll socks off at the conference tonight!
Engrafted by His Grace–
I just found your blog and LOVE the Thankful Thursdays….
You are blessing our grateful hearts here in the quaint little town of Crete, Illinois….nice to meet you in BloggyLand….
Can you elaborate on what you do for your Thankful Journal time with your family…
Hi Robin,
Of course, I’d be glad to share what we do for thankful journals. We each have a journal(dollar store usually sells them or you can even use spiral notebooks.) We each write in our own journals, the date and the words “I am thankful for” then we write usually 10 reasons.
After we all write our thankfuls, we go around and one item and one person at a time, we say, “I am thankful for ___.” Sometimes we pause and ask why.
Over time, we have added to our journals 2 additional things. One is two feelings, where we write and share, “I felt___ when___. That leads to interesting talks.
And the last thing we write is prayer requests, we each pray through the things we’re written. And then we are done.
We’ve been doing these for about three years now. Sometimes it’s weekly or more frequent. Sometimes monthly. It’s a real joy to share as a family what we are grateful for. I love knowing we have a written record to keep for the future.
Neither one of my kids have ever complained about doing their thankful journals, unlike our family devotion time that can take a long time.
I hope you try it! Even kids that can’t write can share to a parent what they want written.
Thanks for asking. Hope I explained the process well often.
Thanks Tiffany! Sounds like a great plan. Thanks for taking the time to type it up for me. I know my daughter is capable of writing her own and my son can write, but its much more laborous for him. He loves to write when he wants to though.
I think we will give this a try!
Thanks a bunch!
I appreciate YOU!
Thanks also for the note letting me know you had replied – it takes me much longer the other way – checking my blogger email account to find out when replies come through.