I can’t believe I missed jumping in with my thanks last week on Thankful Thursday. Had an action filled week last week. I sure missed taking time to reflect here. This week I am thankful for:
* a wonderful visit with my parents. More laughing memories created. Love laughter!Thank you both for investing in Justin and Hannah’s lives while you were here. That touched my heart. Thank you for the notes you left. I took a picture of them, of course. why wouldn’t I?
* a great chicken enchilada meal made by Grandma for my birthday! As always, you’re an amazing hostess and cook. Thank you for my gift of cash. I’ve enjoyed shopping.
* a surprise 40th dinner party with 5 couples and a friend, thanks to my husband. I had a feeling something was up. Thank you for making me feel honored. Enjoyed the noses everyone wore. The kid in me loved that.
* the gift of words I received at the dinner party: a beautiful album of wishes from family and friends. Thank you, Derek. Thank you, Katie, for putting it together. It’s gorgeous. And thank you to all who heard from Derek and responded with words. I cried reading the entries. This gift is one I cherish always.
* the opportunity to talk to a MOPS group last Wednesday. I had fun sharing from my heart. Of course, I critiqued myself afterwards(taped my talk) and that’s not a good thing. I pray God used my voice to challenge moms to enjoy this season and have more fun and more laughs. I left right afterwards so I didn’t get to talk to moms about what I shared. I’m trusting God with the outcome. I did my part.
* birthday friend lunches all week. The birthday wishes continue. A week plus after the fact. Love time with friends sharing face to face, heart to heart.
* videos from the past. While my parents were here, we watched old videos of our family. Mostly my kids in their finest drama moments. We laughed until we cried. I wept inside over the loss of their younger years. I tried to grab their cheeks again. Couldn’t get into the TV. A hard truth of how fast kids grow up. Love my boy and girl. Love their playful, free spirits.
* God’s Word. It truly is life-giving and empowering to read and meditate on God’s love letter to all people. I feel blessed to have a Bible(more than one). And I am thankful I can read. So many cannot. God speaks still today!
* beautiful fall weather in Colorado Springs.
Okay, this post is becoming a chapter. Long! Time to drive my girl to school.
Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday! To all! And thank you for stopping by.
Want to join in with your list of thanks? Visit Iris at Grace Alone.
Such sweet blessings, happy belated birthday my friend. I love you, so glad you are in the world.
Happy Birthday to a new friend. I hope it was the best thus far! Now it is fun to get to “fill in the blanks” till your next one… Have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday! So glad you were able to enjoy it with a surprise from your husband! ๐
Happy Birthday! I celebrated “46” on October 20th…October girls are the best!
I loved your beautiful, heartfelt Thankful Thursday post. I was truly blessed by it. Beautifully written.
Have a blessed day!
Hi Tiffany,
I’m a first-time visitor to your pretty blog…and I am a tea drinker all the way! In fact, I just visited my sister up in Michigan and every time we get together we go to afternoon tea. LOVE it!
It sounds like you had a wonderful week with lots to be thankful for. I understand listening to yourself on tape and then critiquing it – UGH! But you’re so right – our part is to be obedient. God uses our obedience, not our perfection.
Hi. I am sitting hear in tears over your latest respomse to my blog. Thank you and thank God for you. I am so glad He has so wonderfully placed you in my life for such a time as this(I know, so corny), but truly, you will never know what that last line meant to me. If only you could see the tears to prove it… You are pushing me towards along awaited destiny whether you know it or not. And I do hope you and I can at least talk oneday whether it be face to face or not…
Happy Birthday to you!! So glad that you had a good one and that it is still being celebrated!
This is a wonderful TT list, it brought tears to my eyes, your thankful heart just jumps off the page!
Happy Birthday, Tiffany! 40’s nothing. But boy, when I hit 50, I started falling apart. So here’s to 10 more ‘good years’! ๐ lol!
I think I missed your birthday… Happy Belated Birthday to you.
I’m participating in the Thankful Thursday. If anyone wishes to check it just click on my name and go to my blog.
Blessings to everyone.
Great list of Gratitude. You have a beautiful blog and am glad that I came by after you left a sweet comment on my WORD POWER posting today. -Blessings, Laurie
Oh what an awesome list Tiffany. I can feel your excitment, and all the love that came your way.
I’m so blessed your hubby knew just how to love you and make your birthday so special this year.
Sorry I didn’t here yesterday!!
Love youโฅ
It was great to meet you at the MOPS meeting! And you did a great job!