Thankful this Thursday for:
*The Word of God. I’ve been diving in a little deeper again and I’ve found God to be so comforting and affirming and convicting.
*being selected for a blogging award. Thank you, Susan. I appreciate your friendship and encouragement.
*Hannah’s love notes and forgiveness.My daughter wrote me the sweetest note while she sat with me through a writers meeting recently. She loves me with written words. She forgives me whenever I ask. Immediately.
*big, white snowflakes. We had one of those light snows the other day. I took close up photos of the flakes, hoping they would turn out. They didn’t but the picture is still fresh in my mind.
*Pikes Peak. I’m in awe everyday at the beauty of the mountain. It changes everyday depending on the sun’s angle and the clouds. Love it!
*an encouraging e-mail from a friend. You know who you are. Your e-mail made me day. Thanks for your faith in me.
*a day and night away with my prayer partner and her daughter and two friends. What fun, girl time!!
*date nights with my hubby. Anytime together alone makes a difference. Love our La Casita Friday night spot.
*Justin’s good grades. He finished his first semester in high school with A’s and B’s.
Okay, gotta get lunches made. Always love being thankful.
Thank you to Iris atSting My Heart for hosting this week’s Thankful Thursday.
Happy TT Tiffany,
Great list…great heart.
Your daughter sounds precious. I used to write notes to my mom all the time. I adored her, (still do!)
Blessings to you this day.
How wonderful to read about all the blessings in your life. May God continue to give you eyes that see His hand in your life and in the lives of your loved ones…
Thanks for sharing… Blessings!
So many things to be thankful for! Have a great day Tiffany.
Hi Tiffany,
There’s no better place to be than deep in His Word unless it’s just snuggling with Him on His lap.
Thanks for the email you sent a couple of days ago about praying. I will be responding soon. In the meantime, my Thankful Thursday will fill you in a little bit.
I’ve printed out your SOHL article and already an opportunity has presented itself for me to make a copy and share it with someone.
Blessings, sister! Keep writing for Him.
Tiffany—that is a GREAT thankful list! BTW—haven’t forgotten the project…been pondering it…will send it back to you soon filled up!
Blessings and love sent to you!
What a wonderful list. You are so very blessed. Have a wonderful day!
I’ve been diving in a little deeper also. I love the way you put that into words. I have bought the 365 Bible. I’m trying to read and study the Bible. I hope that I can do that all year. Thanks for such a loving TT post. God Bless!
Such a nice thankful list sweetie.
Congratulations on the blogger award and what a wonderful list!!
Hi Tiffany,
Oh Pikes Peak. How beautiful..
I enjoyed your list greatly. Thank you. Love and hugs, Lynn
I LOVE your list I can amen most of them as they relate to me. I’m slightly jealous of your time away with your prayer partner – I moved away from mine a couple of years ago and miss her terribly.
Bless you lady – thank on!!!!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog. I was so sorry to hear about your brother – childhood cancer is a terrible thing! I am so happy to hear that he is doing okay – what a miracle! So much to be thankful for!
Have a wonderful weekend – filled with many blessings.
Love & FROG,
Hey Tiffany,
I’m back. This time to tag you with a fun meme.
Hope you can participate!
(Hope you have not been tagged twice!)
Tiffany, we were tagged together by Susan….just in case you didn’t know….:)
I am going to work on the “project” today as time permits. Hopefully I can get something to you next week.
Be blessed!