Can’t believe I missed last week’s Thankful Thursday. I planned to start the year off with a bang and blog consistently, Monday through Friday. Hasn’t happened so far.
Good thing I don’t make new year’s resolutions. Instead I pick a word or phrase for the year. I will share my word tomorrow…So please check back in. I’d love to know your word of the year!
Today I’m thankful for:
forgiveness.I’ve had some emotional moments lately. I befriended Anger. It’s so comforting to know God forgives me for my outbursts, complaints, and selfishness. I feel lighter when I confess and lean on the Lord for strength.
a new year.Something about starting fresh gives me hope and motivation. I’m energized.
new opportunities to write and speak. 2008 has started out with a writing assignment and a chance to talk to two homeschool groups.
my book idea. I’m beyond excited about the thought of writing a book this year. And I’m also terrified. What if I fail? So this is a huge leap for me. Soon I will be asking for women to share their thoughts and stories. I want more than my perspective displayed in this book. My book idea is about shame. I don’t have a contract or an agent, but I’m going to pitch the idea at the end of the month at a writer’s conference. I’ll keep you posted.
God’s healing.I’m praying for God to really do a work in my heart this year. So much hurt that I want freedom from. Childhood sexual abuse is a huge one. It affects me especially in my marriage. Obviously my abortion too, considering I am going to take a Bible study for that. I thought that healing was complete. Not yet. Turning 40 this year makes me really want to be healed so I can offer honest counsel and encouragement to the younger women in my life.
Hannah’s passion.She lives out loud and I love it. Little things thrill her and create such inner joy. She blesses me. She started piano lessons this week and loved it. She seems to be a natural. And her daddy bought her Hannah Montana tickets(for her concert in our local movie theatre in 3D) You would think she won the lottery. She’s giggy over the thought of going with Dad and her friend. I’ll be at a conference.
Justin’s creativity.He can write and draw spontaneously and it’s amazing to me as his mom. He compares himself to others and thinks he’s not that good. Ugh! Want him to embrace the gifts God gave him. He is gifted. He’s a great photographer too. His shots scream “artistic.”
Okay, I could ramble on as I love this for therapy but I have a writing deadline. Enjoy this day! We have a beautiful day of blue skies with some fresh white snow on the ground from last night. The birds visiting my feeders today are full of song. So am I.
Sing to the Lord a new song.
Peace, my family and friends!
Thank you to Unequal Marriage for hosting this week’s Thankful Thursday.
Thank you for your heartfelt list. May God bless you as you seek to be the woman that He wants you to be. (((hugs)))
Such a beautiful thankful list.
It’s always good to touch base with you again. It’s been awhile. I love your list, and your book idea on shame.
I have a ministry in NC to at risk teen girls and oppressed women.
Right now I’m counseling and mentoring a woman older than you who is working through the issues of being sexually abused for 8 years as a child. I also counseled and did a Bible study with a post-abortion woman. She found her freedom in Christ and is growing spiritually. We’re doing a discipleship study right now. And then just this week I’ve taken on a teenage girl who was raped.
For me personally, growing up as a child, I was not sexually abused, but I was physically abused. Praise the Lord for the healing He brought to my life many years ago.
Have a blessed week, Tiffany!
Hey Tiffany,
Enjoyed your list, and as always I love visiting your blog.
I’m really excited about your new book. I’ll be praying for you, and who knows, I have a story related to shame that may be of interest you.
Continuing to pray for you daily.
I’m excited for your book idea and upcoming proposal. I pray for it to go well. Writing from your heart will be what touches and ministers to other women!
I loved your list of thankfuls. God so lovingly forgives us but we can’t seem to forgive ourselves or forget. Blessings on your writing.
Mama Bear
Enjoyed your post and love your site! Thanks for visiting and for your encouraging and uplifting words.
Blessings to you!
Hi Tiffany,
Wow, you DO have a ton to be thankful for. Blessins upon your book. Loved stopping in for a visit.