Today I am thankful for:
* a love note via e-mail from my husband yesterday. A real surprise that blessed me deeply.
* my daughter’s baptism last Sunday. One of my mom dreams came true! Hannah’s step of faith meant so much to me. (A special thanks to everyone who supported our family)
* Hannah’s birthday this week. Eleven years old with a heart of gold. Hannah brings me such joy everyday. She’s a musical sound to my ears with her singing, laughs and her imagination.
* friends who love me no matter what.
* coffee time with Sheila recently. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift, your friendship. Thank you for being real, speaking the truth, and being yourself. I could ramble on about how God shows up every time we meet. He is good, isn’t He?
* prayer time with Roxanne. Thanks for sharing life with me and for praying me through. Where two or more are gathered, He is there!
* books. Every week I could say books, books and more books. Why? Because I am an avid reader. And I love to read. I usually non-fiction Christian living topics. But I do read fiction and sometimes other topics. Currently, I’m reading three great books: Anonymous, Rekindled Flame and Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. Depending on my mood, I’ll grab one of my current reads and my pen and highlighter. Good stuff!
*God’s presence. My “train” post today shares more about where my mind has been lately. As always, God is faithful to show up when I need Him most. Thank you, Lord, for your words that guide my crooked path.
Thank you, Iris, for reminding us to pray for ministries like Harvest. I too love Greg’s messages. When I heard about his son’s death, my heart broke for his family.
Want to join in with your list of thanks? Visit Iris at Sting My Heart.
Praise God for such sweet blessings, happy birthday to Hannah.
Oh how I would love to go to the place pictured at the top of you blog! I enjoyed visiting your blog today and enjoyed reading your list of gratitudes.
Great list Tiffany!!
I’m so blessed no matter how you are feeling, your grateful heart shines through.
Off to read your other article!!
Wonderful news about Hannah’s baptism! I know what you mean about it being one of a mother’s dreams for her children. My husband and I keep a picture of our son’s baptism out in the open so we can continually be reminded that he belongs to Him even though he is a prodigal son.
I love your list of thankfulness today, Tiffany. Friends, family and books…. also at the top of my list of blessings from God!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
A wonderful husband, wonderful daughter, and wonderful friends… you are truly blessed! Thanks for sharing!
Tell Hannah that our family congrats her on her decision to follow Christ and make a public statement about it.
We wish we would have known,Aimee and I would have come to clap to.
The whole Harris family rejoices with you.
Paulette Harris
I am thankful to the Lord for your daughter’s recent leap of faith in Jesus!! You are so right!! It is a Mommy Dream come true! She is now a citizen of the Kingdom and she will spend eternity in heaven. She is secure in Jesus, and you’re secure about her salvation and where she’ll be going after death. Thank you Jesus!! One more for the Kingdom!!
Thank God for your testimony and the one of your daughter’s.
Happy Birthday to your sweet Hannah. Great thankful list. Happy TT! God Bless~
Great list! I too love to read and want to read “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.”
Wonderful about your daughter’s baptism!
Lovely thankful list. Happy Birthday to Hannah! Thank God for giving you this precious child. So sweet of your hubby to send you a love note through email
I love reading too. Friends are such precious gifts from God. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. It is encouraging to read of the many ways God is blessing you. Take care and God bless you always!
Isn’t it wonderful how the Lord entertwines our lives together to make such cherished moments…faith, family and friends.
Praising HIM with you!
Love, Kathy
So many things to be thankful for, my friend. Thank you for introducing me to TT.
I enjoyed your listing of blessings this morning! What a wonderful way to start my day!
I am thankful for the wife, mom and friend you are. I Love You.
Hi Tiffiany, Your blogs always bless me and I’m thankful for having found you. Funny isn’t it, to realize that we are just at opposite ends of I25. The photo that shows a shop, is this real? Is it in Co.Springs? If so, when hubby and I venture down your way I’ll have to stop by.
Bless you this week.