Thought I would join in on the Thankful Thursdays with other bloggers today.
I am thankful for:
my husband, Derek, who never complains about how much I spend, how little I cook, or how I never clean out my car. I love his heart towards children and incarcerated teen boys. I love our date nights.
my son, Justin. He is showing signs of becoming a fine young man. I love his tender heart towards those with disabilities and his sense of humor.
my daughter, Hannah. I love her love of life. She’s free to dance, sing, act, push a baby doll around the neighborhood and draw with creativity.
my sister, Jesica. I admire the fact that she is trying to lose weight. I admire the fact she works two jobs to support her three children. I’m thankful she’s started a blog.
Inkspired, my new writer’s group. They have welcomed me in with love and grace. They’ve already seen my insecurities and tears and still embrace me. Thank you, Beth, for inviting me and thank you for being one of most encouraging friends I could ever imagine.
Gloria, my former life coach. She instilled in me truths that still ring in my heart.
Doug, my counselor. What a gift it is to sit under the counsel of a godly man who really wants the best for my marriage, my family and my life. God’s best!
Sheila, my friend and spiritual mentor. I cannot tell you how much your wise counsel and faith spur me on. And to think we met in a bathroom at the Broadmoor.
my blog. A place I can be me and express my heart freely!
my blog readers. Without your love and encouragement my life would feel less satisfying. Thank you, Paulette, you’ve faithfully read my heart for years now and you’ve taken the time to comment most frequently.
my lifelong friend, Pam. She’s loved me and accepted me through the hardest of years–my teens. And now we are dreaming of spending our 40th birthday together next year somewhere. Where has time went?
my laptop. I love the fact I can listen to encouraging messages as I make my bed and wipe my kitchen counters down. I cannot believe how much I love the portability of it.
my parent’s house selling. It’s been a long time waiting for the right buyer. Thankful the time has finally come.
Jesus Christ. Without him I would be an empty shell. I tried for too long to find satisfaction in other ways, none satisfy like knowing my God and knowing I am loved and accepted by him. He calls me friend and daughter.
Okay this is getting long. I will save my thoughts for next Thursday. If I didn’t catch you this week, I hope to in a future post. There are so many people I didn’t get to mention. Family. Friends too.
**For more thankful posts, visit Sting My Heart
Beautiful thoughts Tiffany. May God continue to bless you with eyes that see all we have to be thankful for in Him. I like your blog presentation…it’s so lovely.
Welcome to thankful thursday, very glad you joined us. I enjoyed your post.
So much to be thankful for…People who lift our spirits. I’m so grateful for my writer’s guild too – I always leave inspired!
I like that you started the thanks with your husband. At times it seems they are so overlooked by the business of our lives with kids, jobs, etc. How I would love to be in a writers group! That would be awesome.
Have a blessed weekend!
Your cup does overflow with blessings, and I’m very thankful for that!!! Thanks for sharing them!
Sounds like you have some great people in your life!
We are thankful for you as well Tiffany. You always challenge me to look at all angles and I love your big heart. I thank Jesus for the fact that He introduced me to you.
Paulette Harris
I am thankful for you too, sweet friend!
And Happy Birthday–coming up on Sunday!!!!!
I am thankful for your blog. It helps remind me what is most important in life.