With Thanksgiving around the corner, I thought I’d share some of the reasons my family and I are thankful. On November 9, 2005, my husband, my two children and I started our thankful journals. Since then, we’ve gathered together to share 5-10 things we are thankful for. Sometimes it’s a weekly thing. Other times it’s monthly. We also share two feelings and our prayer requests. It’s a sweet time together.
Hannah’s reasons to be thankful: (she’s 9)
- my dad’s thinking ability
- the fort my brother made
- the lady that said she liked my eyes
- Annie getting a haircut(Annie’s our dog-she’s a Yorki-poo)
- my toenails getting clipped
- paper to draw on
- having comfy clothes on all day
- Jesus’s birthday coming up
- healthy food
- going to see Chubby Checker that the Aquarium(that’s what we named a giant fish there)
- me having a hot bath
- going to church and seeing all my friends
Justin’s reasons to be thankful (he’s 13)
- my family
- God
- guitars
- a bed
- snow days
- friends
- water
- going to the Y with my dad
- Mom checking my math
- talking to Ryan on the phone(his uncle)
- socks
- Little Caesars Pizza
- lights so I can see
- good message in movies
- hats
- rocks
Derek’s reasons to be thankful:
- mountains
- hugs and kisses
- freedom to worship God
- hope for tomorrow
- Hannah’s beautiful drawings
- Mom’s passion for writing
- Justin’s adventurous spirit
- a great boss
- 5 days off
- hot tea on a cold night
- missionaries
- old people
- big snowflakes
- basketball with the boys (incarcerated)
- the joy and peace that comes from the Lord
- lunch with my friends
- my mom
My reasons to be thankful:
- sleep that refreshes me
- God’s unconditional love
- Derek making me lunch and picking up dinner
- time to read the Bible, magazines and a book today
- Christmas music that soothes my soul
- Hannah’s giving heart
- Justin’s kindness
- my ability to see and hear
- friends who accept me
- my dad’s quick life giving phone calls
- my blankies
- sunrises and sunsets
- prayer time with friends
- my writing partner Beth
- bubble gum laughs
- my blog and those who support it
This is a glimpse into our thankful journals. Hope you enjoyed it. May you and yours be thankful this Thanksgiving!
Giving thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes. 5:18
It’s so neat to read what others are thankful for, especially children. What a beautiful post!
Sorry I haven’t stopped by for awhile. Thanks for your comments at my blog!
Hope your Thanksgiving was special!
This is an awesome post girl!
I love all of your lists!!
I am thankful for your friendship and that God has linked us across the miles ๐ You are very sweet and have been a blessing to my life!
Happy Thanksgiving! Can’t wait to hear how yours was ๐