Thankful this Thursday for:
I love words. I’m a sap for handwritten cards or notes or letters. I keep just about everything that has meaning or hope or love. Spoken words from a friend have carried me through a hard day. Words in my journal help me process my thoughts and focus on prayer. I’m amazed at the way words leave a trail of history. Both the joy and sorrow. My journals show me how I’ve grown as a person. So often I don’t think I am changing at all. My scribbling proves otherwise.
As a writer, I love how words create a picture. I always pray my written words penetrate deep and provide a source of hope for at least one person.
I love the way God left us His word. Living and active. I love the way Scripture pours truth into my heart and washes away the lies I’ve believed. I find hope from the gut wrenching prayers in Psalms. Some days I’m a ball of tears. Other days I’m a ball of passion. I love the way verses heal my past wounds with a tenderness found nowhere else on earth.
I’m always hungry for more good words.
Feed me, Lord.
May your words today be full of love and encouragement.
May words satisfy your appetite!
Thank you to Iris atSting My Heart for hosting this week’s Thankful Thursday.
Awesome list, bless you my friend.
And here are some words for you my precious friend:
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” – 2 Corinthians 2:15”
Oh, you smell so much like Jesus~
What inspirational words, Tiffany. Thank you for these precious words of hope and encouragement.
I agree with Susan, you smell so much like Jesus.
Blessings to you, my friend!
Oh the power of words…
to touch, to transform, to heal, to soothe…
And His word is the greatest of all.
Your words are an encouragement to me and i am thankful for you.
Hi, Tiffany. What a beautiful site you have here. I have enjoyed my time reading.
Thanks for your encouraging words!
I see you are reading – Signs of Life – me too – I posted a little from and about it at one of my blogs – http://www.robinsreadingroom.blogspot.com
I’m really enjoying the book if you can say that about a book that challenges us to leave our comfort zone and get dirty.
Oh you do have such a way with words. You are a wonderful writer. Enjoyed my visit with you today. Thanks for a great TT post. God Bless~
I loved your thankful —I am late getting to read many…but so needed this one tonight! You are such a blessing…I have been that ball of tears this past week…or more…and have lived in the Psalms…but the Lord is good…and He gives strength and healing to the brokenhearted…and I know as the days continue…so will the strength from heaven.
Bless you Tiffany.