“If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone. . .” John 8:7
I’m soul sick over Ted Haggard’s confession. I watched New Life’s church service live today. And I cried. I’m so sad for him and his family and his church and the body of Christ. I’m sad for all my friends who attend church there.
I cannot stop thinking about the sorrow of Haggard’s soul. I’ve prayed a lot. I believe he loves God with all his heart. Because he was on the front lines, I think the daily battle for him was even stronger. Satan wanted to take him out, but God wanted to rescue him from sin’s snare. I’m thankful Haggard confessed and that he’s moving forward with healing for himself and his family. And I trust God will work “all things” together for good.
This is one of those “all things.”
This reminds me of the fact that people need a safe place to share their secrets. Where there is no condemnation, but rather where there is a plan for restoration. And most churches fail in this area. Preachers need to address “real” issues more. Until then, our secrets will keep us sick. Pastors need a safe place to share their struggles. They are human–not super human–and they struggle just like the rest of us. Maybe even more so, considering people tend to see them as more holy.
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. James 5:16
So the healing begins.
Today was my daughter’s last soccer game and while they were playing, a girl on the other team got hurt. Her teammates immediately surrounded her. That’s when the guy sitting next to me said to his wife, “Everyone takes a knee next to her. I like that.”
Wow, what a beautiful picture! This is a time when someone on our team is down. I think it’s time we take a knee, gather round and pray. Pray for the Haggard family and pray for our nation.
And as we pray, may we experience God in a more intimate way. And may we be willing to search our hearts for secret sins. And if need be, confess to someone and let the healing light of God’s love in.
Great post – full of insight, wisdom, and compassion…all of which come straight from the heart of God! You could feel God’s breath on your words. AWESOME!!!
Great illustration with the soccer game 🙂 So, true!
I too love the soccer game illustration. I pray that the body would go on bended knee for this situation. As Pastor Matt said Sat. night, it is another page in the journey in the body of Christ and we need to keep focused on healing, restoring, and praising God. Keep our eyes off of man and on Jesus.
Hey Tiffany, thanks for writing this. Those of us here in the Springs area have really been hit hard, I think more than most. My thoughts and feelings have been so profound and numerous that so far, I’ve declined to write about it on my blog. But I’m really glad to read what others are saying. And it’s heartening to know that as Christians, we all know that Jesus is still on the throne, nothing has changed between us and God. Thanks for writing…
And thanks for stopping by my blog. I’d love to hear your non-fiction book recommendations. I read a lot of that, too.
Hope you have a blessed week and enjoy our beautiful Colorado autumn weather.
Love your blog look! Then again I seem to love everything Susie does.
I agree with you, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Be sure and check out my other blog, Writer…Interrupted. I think it just might be your cup of tea.
Hey Tiffany, it’s me Beth. Introduced through blogs by our mutal friend Sheila. Loved your thoughts on Ted and crying the same kind of tears you are for him, Gayle and the kids, the New Life congregation. Soccer game illustration is powerful, glad God tuned your ears and heart into it!
Tiffany, yours is one of the best blogs I’ve read on this topic. Thank your for your profound, insightful and very loving perspective. Much needed, I must say.
(And on another subject… I was delighted to find out today that we have a wonderful friend in common! We simply MUST do coffee one day. Or is it tea? How exciting, to REALLY have Tea with Tiffany!)
I like the soccer example. Very sweet. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I’m saying a prayer for your writing!