(I ask for your grace for my absence from visiting your blogs last weekend. I was away from Thursday to late Tuesday. Thank you for praying with me even still.)
Father God, I can’t believe another week has come and gone. It’s October already. Wow. I feel the cool of fall coming. Thank You for the beauty of fall. Warm colored leaves, football games, and the smell of apple pie scented candles. Hot chocolate. So much to be thankful for.
God, You are the author of all things beautiful, all things good and true.
One word is on my mind today. That word is Jesus. I keep singing in my heart Just Give Me Jesus. I feel like I could just pray Your name Jesus and be satisfied.
I have no words without You, Jesus. I am lost without You, Jesus. You are my life. I live in and through You and You alone. I’ve tried my way and found it worthless. You, Jesus, make life worth living. Thank You.
You know my heart, Lord. You see me and know that I’m tired from my travels. You know I get overwhelmed when I’m not well rested. I’m trusting You will renew my strength as I rest this weekend.
Thank You for my family and our home. It’s always good to be home with my husband and two kids. I love them.
Lord, please be with anyone who feels alone or doesn’t have a family. Let them know there’s always room for more in Your family. Show them Your love. Use me as an extension of Your love.
Father God, I need a fresh filling of grace today. I have many good things on my calendar over the next several weeks, but they are meaningless without You. Please open my heart to hear You clearly. Don’t let me step ahead of You or lag behind. I need You to get through each day. Show me the way.
Truly when life is all said and done here on earth, the only thing that will matter will be what I’ve done in love. So Lord, please teach me to love well.
Father God, so many I know are suffering right now. So much so I don’t know where to begin or who to pray for first. But Lord, You know who each person is and what the needs are. Please minister to each heart up, close and personal. Use Your Word to comfort them when they need it most. Holy Spirit be their counselor and comforter. Jesus, please be their Prince of Peace, their solid rock.
God, help us. We are Your people. We can’t stop short or give up right now. There’s much to be done in this generation. We have hope and light and love to offer. We must find strength to keep reaching out to those in need as You lead us.
We want a reason to live bigger than ourselves. You are that reason. Our lives are Yours, Jesus. Our lives start and end with You, Jesus.
To join our blog hop, we post every Friday through Sunday. Join anytime by following these 4 steps.
1. Write your Sweet P’s blog post, which is you WRITING A PRAYER, PETITION or PRAISE to God. It’s NOT asking for prayer. It’s writing prayer.
2. Grab the Sweet P’s code on my sidebar to add to your post.
3. Come back and add your blog link to blog hop. As you are able, please visit other Sweet P’s and agree with them in prayer.
4. Grab “get the code” for the blog hop and paste inside your post. This allows you to access the blog hop list from your own blog.
(Had to delete link because it didn’t work anymore after I switched to WP. Sorry)
God bless you sweet sis, you minister to my heart. I love you.
BEAUTIFUL!!! Blessings Tiffany…
nothing more needs to be said!
except maybe
OK… sorry Tiffany… you know I could not leave with so few words!
Here is what I left here singing:
The beautiful was for His Name and also your prayer and your heart. I agree with Denise, this truly ministers to me also!
Peace, love & (((hugs)))
I tried to catch you on Blog Talk Radio Thursday but it was Lucy Moll, not you and I could not get yours…hmmmmmmmm but I prayed for you anyway!
Whew! Finally tracking you down! Tiffany, God has not let me forget you for one second this week. Every day you have crossed my mind at least once…sometimes twice! I am so blessed to have met you last weekend!
I can't wait to write my Sweet P's post. I love this idea. You are precious and God thinks you are captivating!!
Have a great weekend! Keep in touch, sweet one.
Shortybear… please get the word out
Here is her prayer at the Lighthouse:
"Dear heavenly Father, I really need Your help right now, this very hour. I just received a phone call from my eye doctor, I actually talked to the doctor. He received the result from one of my lab results, my glucose level. That is what measures my blood sugar level. A normal blood sugar level before you eat should be 90-130, after you eat, it should be no higher than 180. The eye doctor said my blood sugar was 700 Father. This high level can cause my brain to begin to shut down, and can cause much damage to my body, even coma or death. I am asking You to please help my blood sugar level to come down quickly Father to a normal level. I believe in Your healing powers Father, I believe.
Thanking You ahead of time, for what I know You can, and will do. I love You Father. Amen"
Yes, LORD, please intervene in Denise's circumstance. Please show Yourself powerful to her tonight!
I'm asking it in the wonderful, powerful, beautiful, matchless Name of JESUS. Amen and amen!
Tiffany, that song – Give Me Jesus – oh! I sing it so often. Yes, it is the cry of my heart.
And I agree with you in prayer. His Name – there is nothing like it!
Love you,
Yes "Just Give Me Jesus", great song and beautiful prayer
So many times, lately, all I can get out when I pray is "Jesus". How comforting to know He knows the need on my heart. I can speak the name of Jesus and rest with peace knowing He hears, understands and will take care of the need. What power in His name! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
What a good reminder. I took your words as a personal prayer – I let your words be mine. Thank you for sharing. Just today (from my one-year Bible reading plan) were these words from Philippians 3:
"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ as my Lord. For His sake, I have discarded EVERYTHING else…"
AMEN!! God Bless…
Love that song that you're singing in your heart.