Father God, You and Your names have me in awe and wonder. To think You are my daily bread, my living water and my source of strength. You are holy. Righteous. Majestic. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, 3 in 1. The first and the last. God over all living things. You created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. You carry the weight of the world and it’s light to You. Nothing is too hard for You.
You are the great I AM. You are God with us, Emmanuel. You are my healer, my deliverer, my rock, the Most high God. LORD, who can contain You? Who can stop You, limit You or box You in?
No one.
No one is powerful, merciful and loving like You. You are beyond understanding. Your ways are higher than mine. Your thoughts higher than mine. You are everlasting. And I’m so glad You last forever because nothing on earth does. People come and go. They live and die. It’s comforting to know You never end.
LORD, I lift up all marriages today. This union is one the enemy would love to destroy. The God designed husband-wife foundation of the family. I pray for oneness, not strife. I pray for Christlike love and respect to be shared among couples. Help those who are hopeless and considering divorce. Heal their hearts. I pray that they will see beyond the brokenness and find hope again. Renew the love that was once there. Rebuild those places devastated. Make something beautiful out of what still remains.
You are able.
Father God, I pray for single parents. Please be their missing half. Give them strength to be a loving, strong role model for their child/ren. Guide them as they carry the burden of both mother and father. Be the one true Love they need. Fill them with energy and joy. Let them laugh again.
And God, I pray for children today. Your precious children, bless them with a knowledge of You at a young age. Create in them a hunger for righteousness and relationship with You. Rise up an army of young warriors who will go for You to the ends of the earth. Reveal Yourself in creative ways. I love it that kids have such faith. Allow that faith to inspire adults. We need a fresh reminder of Your love.
I need a fresh reminder of Your love. It’s been a long week here. Hard news tore at my heart. I struggled with anger over injustice and evil. Please God restore what’s been stolen. You see beyond the now and I believe You will take what’s happened and use it for good. Somehow. Some way.
I confess I’ve been wavering in unbelief with a few things. Juggling thoughts of insecurity, inadequacy and fear. And I’ve been carrying the weight of others on my shoulders when I know You’d gladly carry them.
So again, I surrender. I’m tired and in need refreshment. I need a tall drink of Your love. I’m parched. Thirsty.
Please Lord, fill my cup. Especially since I have a talk on Saturday morning to give to women. I want to encourage them with Your Word and with my story. I want to share out of the overflow of knowing You intimately. Not words from me, but words from You. I believe when I open my mouth, You will fill it. Thank You for never leaving me. Thank You that I can trust You when I’m weak and wordless. You are strong. What joy it is to rest in sweet embrace. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
1. Write your Sweet P’s blog post, which is You WRITING A PRAYER, PETITION or PRAISE to God. It’s NOT asking for prayer. It’s writing prayer.
2. Grab the Sweet P’s code on my sidebar to add to your post.
3. Come back and add your blog link to blog hop. As you are able, please visit other Sweet P’s and agree with them in prayer.
4. Grab “get the code” for the blog hop and paste inside your post. This allows you to access the blog hop list from your own blog.
(Had to delete link because it didn’t work anymore after I switched to WP. Sorry)
Hi Tiffany,
Thank you for pouring your heart out to God. As I prayed this prayer (in reading it), I too felt the need to pour out my heart to the Lord. Thank you for leading us and being an example of a prayer warrior.
I'm confident the Holy Spirit will empower you as you stand before those women tomorrow and speak with words that minister and touch the depth of their hearts. I believe God desires to heal broken hearts; He will do it through you.
Blessings and peace.
dear tiffany,
today has been especially difficult…but reading your sweet "p" has given me hope…thank you
peggy anne
Deat Tiffany..
Thank you so much for this prayer and pouring your heart into it.
This has been a very difficult year and I know He is carrying us through it, day by day.
Praying your profound words will touch many lives, as they have mine…thank you and Praise God!
I have linked up again this week, and will get to hopping around sporadically but intend to visit everyone before Sunday is finished 🙂
I am praying for all marriages right along with you. God bless,
Beautiful, honest, spirit-filled prayer. Thank you Tiffany. Your first line grabbed me and my heart exclaimed, He is a feast!
It's good to confess and receive healing. I'm praying that your meeting with this group will be met powerfully with God's transformational presence and the words you speak will carry the weight of glory and eternity- in Jesus' name! So be it.
Thank you Tiffany.
Today is one of those days where the needs of those around me are so great I've not even formed words for my prayers, yet know God knows my heart and have felt the HS interceding for me all morning…and even throughout the night last night. Your prayer actually put words to some of those very needs…especially the part about marriages and single parents. Thank you so much for sharing.
As always…lifting you up in prayer, as well.
Adding my voice to your petitions, Tiffany… and praying for your talk tomorrow…that ears will be open to hear and hearts will be open to accept what the Lord anoints you to share…you make such a difference to so many….
Carrying the weight of others is something I struggle with as well. I hope you feel that burden being lifted today.
I love your Sweet P's on Fridays (I read every week, but usually from the reader on my phone).
Your words are always beautiful.
Your prayer hit all areas I have been struggling with and praying for. Beautiful. Thank you.
Trusting that the Father provided you with a fresh supply of His presence to strengthen and revive you inner man again, Tiffany. I'm sure the ladies were blessed yesterday.
Joining you in prayer sis, love you.