LORD God, You are holy. You are in control. You are our comforter, the One we find our satisfaction in. Thank You for the joy of living in Your presence. What a gift! Thank You for wrapping us daily in blankets of grace. You are good, You are great, You alone are God.
Father, I lift up all of those who are working in full-time ministry. May You refresh their hearts today. So many ministry workers are weary and running on empty, giving, giving and giving. God, please pour in renewed passion and strength. Speak life into their days, let them know they are right on track, right where You want them. Remind them they are pleasing in Your sight as they are. Whisper how much You love them regardless of what they do or don’t do. Open their eyes to see more of You in their everyday life. And for those who work overseas, for those who are in dark places, please protect them. Encourage them. Let them see Your hand at work so that they may praise Your name.
I pray that all of those who are serving You as pastors, leaders, and ministerial staff, that they would put You first. I pray they would be a people of much prayer, standing in the gap, petitioning on behalf of those who can’t or won’t and praising You always.
I pray for provision for those in need of funding for various reasons. You know the needs. God, You will not fail. Your plan always prevails.
Ultimately LORD, I believe we are ALL called to minister. We don’t need a position in the church to serve You with our lives. We can serve right where You plant us. God, please let us live lives that reach beyond our own walls and into the world. We want to be lights. We want to be an example of service, justice and great love. We want to be difference makers. Use us wherever we are. In the workplace. In our neighborhoods and in our homes. Among our friends. At the grocery store, in the post office, at the gym with strangers. You name it, we want to be used there by You. We want to spend our lives living outloud for YOUR namesake. We want more of You.
Come, LORD Jesus, come, live in and through us. We need You.
Joining you in prayer sweet sister, love you.
Amen! I believe the devil tries very hard to destroy the lives and reputations of pastors, ministers, missionaries, and church workers. These men and women need our prayers every day.
I’m praying right alongside you with the words of your beautiful prayer!
Blessings, Joan