I’m jumping in with Tim at Fort Thompson with his Thursday videos–Vlogemotion. I found out about this opportunity through my precious blogging friend, Lisa Shaw at Sharing Life with Lisa. She’s been participating lately and I’ve felt tempted to join. So here I am. Thanks, Tim, for encouraging us to share an emotion via video. My emotions are excited for what God is doing in His people and nervous to tape myself again.
I feel silly talking to my camera again. I hope to eventually get comfortable enough to do these more often. Not there yet. 🙂 But trying!
Hope you feel encouraged by these 2 plus minutes with me. Hey, I even got out of my pajamas and put on “my happy face”(makeup) to talk to you.
To visit more blogs with videos, stop by Fort Thompsonor click on the picture above.
(SIDE NOTE: Are you looking for some fall inspiration as a blogger? Please consider joining me and many other blogging sisters as we gather together on October 23rd and 24th in Florida. Yes, I’m flying in along with a few other bloggy buddies. Some are carpooling and driving in. Some are local.Free To Be Me Blogger’s Retreat is still taking registrations.
Extra sweet news: Count It All Joy is offering 2 free scholarships. Stop by her blog to enter.
We’d love to have YOU! It’s going to be an amazing time together sharing life and worshiping God together. This is a HUGE answer to prayer. I finally get to meet some of my imaginary friends. Actually we call each other sisters of faith.)
AMEN AMEN AMEN SISTER….I'm diving with ya!! Loved this!
I truly believe God is and HAS been bringing me deeper…I'm finally out of the boat,,I was on the shore for a very long time, than the boat stay was getting too 'comfortable'. I praise God that the good work that he starts in us HE WILL complete,,and that means, bringing us deeper.
He MUST increase, we MUST decrease, John 3:30..
thanks for letting me know you g ot this video up..lol. I'm blessed.
What a great analogy! We do need to spend more time with Him diving deeper.
You did such a great job, and I hope that you will consider sharing with us each week.
Please feel free to grab the courage award for vlogging from my left sidebar!
Love and Prayers,
You are all that I had thought you were and more. I just love hearing your voice instead of imaging it in my head while I read your comments.
Hubster and I just watched your video together and the first thing he said, was you did really well! WOO HOO! Compliments going out to you.
Love your stop, look and listen challenge. It is what I have been doing with all my time on my hand sitting here trying to get better is read and listen to sermons on the internet.
God has been speaking volumes in this time about where I need to start spending my time and making sure that I am using my gifts wisely.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hi Tiffany! Thank you for visiting my blog. I loved your video, it spoke VOLUMES to me. Thank you for diving in and making it!
Diving deeper, too! Blessings and prayers, andrea
PS: Prayer request for a new blogger on arise 2 write with a link to her page.
Great job, Tiff. It was nice to see your face and hear your voice!
See you in the depths!
What a great lesson, Tiffany. Some great food for thought this week. Joy to you this week. Susan
Wow, Tiffany, you did it. Are you kidding me…you encourage me. I am inspired by your love for Jesus and enjoy sharing with you. Maybe we can make a video together at the retreat….that sounds fun! Yes, I want to go deeper. Steven Curtis Chapman has a song about diving in. It's time Tiffany. My friend B asked if I told you what God said. He just brought this to my mind. This is for you: "What are you waiting for?" WOW! love ya, B
I forgot to say your 'happy face' is beautiful! Love the smile. B
Wow Tiffany, you and Warren are speaking into my life like you were doing it on purpose. God is calling me deeper, deeper, deeper and I am challenged as some of those snorkelers are rejecting me when I tell them what I've seen. I fleetingly was tempted to just stay with the snorkelers but once you've gone deep into a relationship with God and deep into His Word, you can never go back.
I loved this. Great encouragement. Dive…a simple word to remember. thanks.
So good to see you in front of the cam again!
I love your illustration and analogy. I was wondering where you were going with the book. I want to go deeper still. There's so much treasure sunken down in the depths.
Love you!
Oh, and by the way, I just pinched myself and I'm REAL not imaginary! LOL
This was so encouraging, thank you. I cannot wait to meet you in October sweetie, love you.
Comfort zone. It's a safe place. Thank You Lord for reminding me that You are not always in the comfort zone and that I need to follow you to the places that aren't comfortable. I seek You Lord, to help me go to these uncomfortable places. Thank You Lord for allowing Tiffany to share with us. I'm blessed. In Jesus' name, amen.
Tiffany, It was so wonderful to see you and hear you in person some what. Great job on the video. I loved it. I hope you do it again. You did a great job!
Your "happy face" is pretty!
I do so enjoy your Stop, Look & Listen posts and I have been asking God what it takes for more of Him. I'm diving deep. See you at the bottom!
That was wonderful Tiffany! It is so good to see and hear you! I have been diving deep this summer, I am even journaling in a journal that says Deeper Still on the outside (I got it at the conference a couple of years ago but just now started journaling in it, timing is everything 🙂
I join you on the quest to keep diving and to speak out about what God is teaching and revealing to me!
Congratulations, I have a special surprise waiting just for you. Hop on over to my blog and check it out.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Cool analogy. Now I want to read a book on diving!
I thought of Prov. 2:4-5: "and if you look for it (insight and understanding) as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."
Where do you find silver? Deep in the earth. You have to dig deep and work hard to extract it.
Godly wisdom (that is, having a relationship with God and being transformed into his image) can be like that. Years of patience, studying, thinking, reflecting, praying, talking with other godly people are all part of the process of "diving" ever more deeply into a relationship with God.
I enjoyed your vlog.
This was wonderful, Tiffany. I'm so glad you gave us this message via video, with your own voice and expression. I would like to see more of that. On a sidenote, we used to belong to a small church where I had the privilege of being Women's Ministries Director, and we named ourselves "Sisters of Faith". I can't think of a more appropriate way to tell the world who you are. Some time in the future, I might dig out some old programs from our meetings and post them. They might just encourage someone, as you are doing with your video. Bless you, Tiffany. You know you are a woman after God's own heart!
Beautiful Tiffany, I love that you were able to take the book and apply it to our spiritual life. I too want to get out of the shallows and go deeper in Him. Oh, and I enjoy listening also.
Ms. Tiffany – you are very beautiful. Your picture posted to the right does not do you justice! You did not look normal and you were a natural. I love the message and how you looked away for a moment when you thought about the thought of diving for the Lord. I could tell that you gave it some thought and was certain that you wanted to risk it and give your all to HIM! You have given us all something to think about as you always do. What risk are we willing to take and how uncomfortable are we willing to be during that journey?
Love and peace and prayers
Free Spirit.
Love the video blog!
Loved this! And the image of diving into God really worked for me in a visually inspiring way…
Thank you!
This video is so sweet–and thought provoking. I tend to avoid risks–but when I do strap on the tank and dive in, God proves Himself ever so faithful. Thanks again–God bless!
Thank you for sharing this video!! It was definitely something that "I" needed to hear!