Two days ago I ran into WalMart to get a few things for a barbecue. I picked the shortest line of course. The next thing I know the cashier’s light started flashing. All the while, a mother and her teenage daughter stood behind me. For ten minutes straight, this mom complained. And I don’t just mean a light complaint, I mean serious business. This mom went on and on about everything she hated about the place. Not enough cashiers. Prices going up because of remodel. How you get stuck in there because no one is competent. You name it she said it. This lady had the chip of all chips on her shoulder.
Meanwhile I watched the demeanor of the cashier and the customer go south. I felt sorry for them because we all felt this mom’s tension. It was ugly. I looked back at this mom once and smiled and said “I may have to change lines because of the time.” Hoping she would calm down because she might take my first place spot.
As this woman continued venting, I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of this verse:
“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe” Philippians 2:14-15(NIV)
There is a moral to this short story. See picture.
“NO public dumping allowed.“
Anything I need to dump I had better take to Jesus first. Public dumping stinks up the place. I wonder how many times I’ve said too much when I should have been silent.
Father God, search me and see if there’s any arguing or complaining spirit within me TODAY. Help me speak only words of life, not death. I don’t want to smell like the dump. I want to shine like a star in the universe. Only You can make me blameless. Only You can give me pure light. In Jesus name, Amen
What is GOD saying to you today?
(Photo taken last year, this sign spoke volumes. God finally gave me an experience to use this pic.)
There are certain businesses where I have just come to expect this sort of thing. WalMart is one of them. Steak 'n Shake is another. But because I EXPECT this kind of thing, I shouldn't be surprised and start complaining when I go there and it happens.
I get this woman's frustration, I really do. But I also know that no one – including the store management – really cares.
Not only is it godly NOT to complain, but it's also energy-saving because all it does it zap the complainer of precious energy and happiness. It doesn't change anything.
Hi Tiffany,
Your post reminds me how easily frustrated I get without patience. I believe God gives me these instances as opportunities to grow in patience.
While I admit I'm not always patient, I am learning valuable lessons in this area by yielding my impatience to God and exercising patience with Him, others and myself.
Blessings and peace.
I wish we could all stop and realize how much we do have sometimes. We are a blessed nation.
Gratitude goes a lot farther than complaining. ๐
Even the teenage daughter was uncomfortable with her mom. She said stuff like, "Mom, why do you even come here then?"
We do need that precious energy. And you are right it doesn't change anything. Actually it didn't change the wait time, but it did change the atmosphere. I tried my best to focus on the good.
MTJ, It's true times like this teach patience. I didn't feel so much impatient as I did bad for her. I don't think this mom realized how much her voice carried such a heaviness. I wish she could have seen or heard herself from another person's perspective.
I know the frustration, but I also know that the complaining negatively affects me and those around me. As a representative of Christ, it's not right that I would give into such things. It costs too much!
Thanks Tiffany.
Thanks for the reminder that even when we are fustrated we are to allow Christ to shine through us.
Great post sis, and very true.
I'm grateful to have such a Father as HE to guide me when I start to stray. Thank You Father God in Jesus' name, amen.
I love this post!! I know I need to think of that verse whenever I feel like letting loose.
Thanks for also posting your prayer, I just said it!! =)
i love this. what a great reminder of Gods word. and what a great application of it.
Wow! Tiffany did you ever nail it this time. Thanks for the scripture to go with it too.
You just have a gift of putting pictures, short blurbs and the Word all together. I love that you are a Kings Kid, in love with Him, and a willing servant to the rest of His Kids!
You go girl!!
I love you so much. Thanks for being my sis. ๐
Paulette Harris
OUCHIE!!! Sometimes truth-filled reminders hurt!! Thank you:)