First of all, I don’t like this picture either. Sorry! It brings back a chill when I see it. Who wants a bug on their new shoe? Not I. But there is a point to this, believe me.
In November of last year, I was in a battle about my writing career. I felt burned out and lost my passion. I needed God to speak. Did I need a break? Was I walking along the wrong path? Did I miss a turn? Why the heavy heart? I needed answers and direction. Remember I’m a recovering people pleaser, so no man could speak to me about this issue. I needed to hear God’s voice alone. Without distractions.
So I made a plan. A firm commitment to seek God for wisdom. I decided to spend time Monday through Friday at the Prayer Center while my kids were in school. Some days I spent 6 or 7 hours there. Other days it was much less, an hour or two.
But here’s the kicker. Every single day as I sat in a cozy chair next to the window so I could see Pikes Peak, there were bugs. At first I did okay. I tuned them out. One was upside down, dead. I told myself they aren’t going hurt me bugs. But by the third day, I looked for them and purposefully picked a spot where crawly things weren’t close by. Sure enough if they weren’t there when I sat down, there were there by the time I left. Ugh! Finally on the fifth and last day, one crawled on my empty shoe. I freaked. And took a picture of course.
I wrote in my prayer journal, God, I keep seeing these gross bugs while I am trying to rest in you. Why?
I sensed His answer, “They are to remind you that in life there will always bugs. Circumstances or relationships that creep you out. Ultimately, I want your complete attention even with bugs. Satan will always send you a distraction when you are walking in my ways. Like now, you are more alert and you have a heightened awareness of your surroundings. That’s a good thing. Stay alert.”
Even after God’s wise word and getting up the courage to splat them, I still had issues. An hour later I continued in my journal, I just don’t understand what is going on. I just killed another bug. I hate feeling buggy. I just want peace. I feel like the bugs are the spiritual war going on around me. They keep coming out of nowhere. To make me uneasy. I want to sit and meet with you in the quiet, alone. Without bugs. Is that possible? Or will distractions always be around me?
I think you and I both know His answer.
Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does. 1 Peter 5:8-11(The Message)
Thank you for joining me for another Stop, Look and Listen where I share how God speaks through the simple, the everyday, and the ordinary moments of life.
A big hearty AMEN to this post! I love that message you received from God and what a way to give it to you! As I have aged if there is one thing that has been made abundantly clear it is that life is full of “bugs”…I am doing a post later on this myslef exploring how we need to stop waiting for a period of time that has none…Love this. Blessings to you today! Oh, my post today is about curve balls…but you could call them bugs too! LOL!
I am so glad He gets the last word! Now I just need to quit letting the bugs get to me, too! 😉
Hi Tiffany,
Praying in the midst of enemies. Yes, the battle is going on around us but greater is He that is in us. Oh just to let you know, I am on central time, not eastern. B
For starters those are some shiny white clean laces…my tennis shoes DO NOT look that clean…yikes!
Thank you for this post…I am leaving today truly aware of the bugs in my life…and asking for the power to do with them as God directs…ignore them or squash them flat.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for teaching Your daughter these amazing lessons and then allowing her to live so freely in You that she passes on her new wisdom and Your grace to us! Amen
When I was younger (and not a Christian), I always felt that I was just lucky that nothing really horrible had ever happened in my life. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had my own struggles and watched others in my life struggle. Until recently, I figured I was beginning to experience the “bad” things in life just because I was older now and gaining life experiences goes along with aging.
Now I believe these struggles are meant to grow me in God. God wants me to use my issues to help others.
Amen, amen.
Love this analogy… Love it! Get ready to meditate on your video post from yesterday. Didn’t want to get into it until I could pay full attention. Here I go!
Love, peace and blessings!
PS Thanks for the “just do it advice” You threw it right back at me and I needed that!
A good word! Reality! Thank you for sharing. Many blessings to you.
In James Michener’s novel “Chesapeake” he has a Native American give his take on why we have mosquitos. (Now, this is from memory. I read the book 25 years ago). It goes something like this: “God gives us good things (like food) to sustain us and make us happy. But so that we won’t be proud, God gives us the mosquito.”
(I think about that nearly every summer). You give this explanation some deeper spiritual insight.
Truly I have felt that irritation that you described…
And I cannot stand boxelder bugs either~they seem to come out of nowhere! Now that I know they represent the enemy (ie “spirit of annoyance”), I understand why! lol
Oh Tiffany, thanks for the Word today! I’m heeding it.
It’s always a blessing that GOD uses absolutely anything He so desires to REACH our inner being and bring to light whatever He is speaking into our lives. Awesome!
Good message filled with nuggets to glean from.
Blessings and love!
What a great message, Tiffany. Yes, I’ve been there too! Distractions have taken me off course so many times. thanks for this “buggy” reminder!
Good job Tiffany, what a lesson to tell others, they are not the only Christians with bug problems!
Praise the Lord!
As it is written: "It is finished!" Satan has no hold on me, or you, or you. God is in control, let him keep steering. AMEN!
Thank you Tiffany for allowing God to speak through you & sharing with us.
What a great example to use to illustrate your point. I hate bugs too. And your sneakers look so new and clean except …for that bug!
BTW, I tagged you this morning on Heart Choices. It’s called 8 Things and is a fun and easy way to get to know other bloggers. No pressure to participate.
This is a good thought Tiffany. Thanks for sharing it. I’m struggling with my writing right now as well so could relate to that journey of when, how and what.
“They are to remind you that in life there will always bugs.”
Wow! Thank you for this post. I have been questioning God about the “bugs” in my life. I will keep reminding myself that even the bugs are for a purpose.