I love to check out the changes of spring, don’t you? These past couple weeks I’ve sensed I was suppose to take closer look. But as life would have it, I gave excuses.
Just took pictures of nature close up just a couple weeks ago, could there be that much difference?
I’m too busy.
But I have laundry to do. Gotta go to grocery store.
Yesterday the prompting was louder.
Stop, Tiffany. Look. It’s time!
Fine, I will!
Here’s what I found in my yard.
As a gardener and plant lover, I get so excited when I see what’s happening every spring. After months of darkness and cold, buds of new life appear. Something inside me stirs seeing the new. No more dormacy. No more wait. At last, change! Brillant colors once again paint our dull landscape. Hope sings out through nature. Former dead things are miraculously resurrected.
I don’t know about you, but I often doubt change in me. As much as I want to believe something is happening in my heart, I often don’t see anything new. I see the dead in me. I see winter. But lately, I sense a different word.
God keeps saying, See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you, Isaiah 42:9(NIV).
He is speaking over my tomorrows with a word of hope. A promise of new. Now for the real issue, do I believe Him?
I want to, but truth be told I’m struggling to believe. I need proof like Doubting Thomas did. Prove it, Lord.
I think that’s why I sense God saying, “Okay, need proof. Go outside. Look at nature. I take former dead things and bring new life. Nothing can stop my creation from changing. The same goes for you. Now stop doubting and believe. Walk forward in the new. You are no longer winter. I repeat you are no longer winter. You are spring.”
How ’bout you? Could God be saying this to you too?
If so, look at these pictures again. This is your heart changing. Slowly beauty emerges from deep within. The world is tired of winter. Tired of grey. Tired of bitter cold. What the world needs is you. We need your unique color. We need your spring!
Bloom, my friend, bloom! Let the world see Christ’s new in you!
With Easter coming tomorrow, I feel a strong expectancy in my heart. New life is coming! Let’s celebrate today with songs of praise! New life is coming! Let it rise, oh Lord!
Jesus you have risen! New life lives!
Thank you for joining me for another Stop, Look and Listen where I share how God speaks through the simple, the everyday, and the ordinary moments of life.
So amazing.
I love spring and the reminder of new life, but I like the take you brought to it to help see the difference in what God is bringing into our own personal lives to bring new life. Thanks for this perspective on it.
Tiffany, my heart just skipped a beat when I went out to get the mail and noticed tiny buds on the lilacs and maple tree in my yard. We are way behind you…i mean tiny buds…but what an amazing cycle the Lord has created. To know when things are difficult and long like this winter has been, that on the other side is beauty and life and joy!
Poetic and inspriational post. Loved the pics!
Don’t you just love it when He speaks to you? You feel Him or something will happen because of Him and you just feel it in your heart and your gut, it’s from Him. It’s all about Him. He wants you to obey his commands and you are doing it. Like you said previously in another post, you feel He is transforming you into a butterfly, and you my friend, have learned to fly!
I love your “Stop, Look and Listen”. (Be Still and know that I am God.)
Love you bunches,
“Behold, I make all things new.” “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Jesus is the Creator and Jesus is the Recreator! A great message. Thank You! Loved the pics!
BEAUTIFUL post, don't you adore the Lord's prompting. We are so blessed that He continues to be a part of our lives, even when we don't deserve Him, He never gives up on us!! :o) I love the pictures, it is SPRING <3
WOW do you take great pictures! They jump out at you. WOnderful post showing how we can come out of our winter. Happy easter to you!
Tiffany, I can see the new ‘springing’ up in you. You are on a roll! May our praises join Heaven’s chorus tomorrow. Jesus is ALIVE! B
Beautiful pictures capturing the essence of spring…new life!
I’m in “expectation mode” too, Tiffany. Happy Easter!
I am ready for new life… so ready…. I LOVE spring,
That verse is one of my all time favorites that Papa has spoken to me often.
Loved the pictures!
Love YOU!
Tiffany, I just caught up with your “Stop, Look and Listen”. How beautiful… what a blessing to my heart. I cried tears of joy with each entry. I am a bit of a cry baby when it comes to the things of the Lord. You are definately one of the “ten virgins” with your lamp trimmed. Matthew 25.
I don’t think Spring has spung here in Minnesota just yet. lol
You always have a way with your words! Keep speaking!
I feel as though I open up along with the trees and plants. My slow downward spiral from October to February finally reverses course this time of year, and I’m so happy when it does.
These pictures are magnificent. Great post, Tiffany! Happy Spring!