Watching the Colorado Springs Balloon Classic a couple weeks ago reminded me of memories I had with my son Justin. When Justin was little he loved balloons, so anytime a restaurant or store employee handed one to him, he was an extra giddy guy.
With his favorite colored balloon in hand, Justin had one goal in mind. Get outside and:
Release his balloon.
Watch it fly high.
Give it to God.
He believed his balloon would fly all the way to God where heaven was having a never ending party. He wanted God to have lots of balloons in every color. So he faithfully gave them away whenever he could.
My mom confession: I didn’t want Justin to give his balloon up so fast. I selfishly wanted him to enjoy it first. Geez, we just got the thing. I even told him maybe he should hang onto it and play with it first.
“Nope. I want to give it to God.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yep!” And with a smile, he let go. We watched his balloon soar until it disappeared.
It must be in heaven. Yeah!
Justin had faith like a child. He believed. He gladly gave something he loved to God. Without hesitation.
God reminded me of this lesson again at the Balloon Classic.
Release whatever I love and give gladly to God. He can use even the smallest of things when I release them by faith.
So what’s your balloon? What are you holding onto that you know God wants you to release? Is it a big dream? A broken relationship? Your children? Your marriage? Your home or finances? Your health? A secret sin? Your ugly past? Your uncertain future?
I don’t know about your balloon is, but I know mine. Lately God is speaking deeper to me. He wants my life. All of me, everything I am, fully released to Him. For his good use here on earth as it is in heaven.
Father God, thank You for the fresh visual reminder there is greater joy in giving than there is in a clinched fist. Give me childlike faith again. I want to believe You. Here I am, Lord. Take my small life up, up and away(yes, I feel like a tiny balloon next to Your greatness.) and use it for your good. And oh, I can’t wait for the party. To finally be able to see the beautiful bouquet of colors waiting up in heaven! I can almost hear God’s children singing Celebration by Kool and The Gang as I imagine the joy there!
(PS Someone definitely needs this today. It took me way longer than usual to write this. I felt the battle for your freedom. It is finished!)
This is such a real and awesome visual of what it is like to be in relationship with our Jesus…thank you for making me connect with Him just now…for when I let go and send it up to Him…it ends up in a GREAT spot!
And the cool thing is when we release ourselves to God, He often drops down a rainbow bouquet of blessings!
Get ready to receive.
I so needed this today…I release my balloon in Jesus' name!
Like you said when we give God just a little what an amazing return. If we could just give our all!
With is more about time…need to remember that God wants my precious time, not my SPARE time.
Thanks for a beautiful post.
I love the faith of your son. I bet God just smiles like the sun each time he does that. He gladly accepts that gift and it makes His day.
I too, have felt that pull, that my lifes purpose is calling to get more involved in God and less involved in my life.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
My balloon is one that I have been holding onto for a few months now. But I just finished some extended time with my Lord while we had rest time, and He so graciously revealed to me what I have been struggling with and holding onto that I have just not been able to put into words… longing for the acceptance, approval, and love of others in my life. But God has shown me this afternoon that I do not need any of that, what I need is to trust in and be content with His UNFAILING love… oh, what freedom that has brought my heart, I even feel the joy beginning to seep back in!
Pray that I can keep my focus on His unfailing love, and not on the things that others do or do not do, say or do not say… for really the only one's approval I need and really crave is my Lord's…
Thank you Tiffany for being a vessel for Him to speak through! May He continue to bless you abundantly!!
I love the bouquet of all the colors. Beautiful: ) B
I love this, Tiffany! What a sweet picture of releasing everything to God. Thank you. I needed this today.
Big cyber-hugs filled with God's blessings!
Daily are the balloons I must release unto God! They seem to reappear during the night! Thank you for the reminder.
Blessings friend (:
This was perfect. I know I haven't let go of several balloons and I hope I will do that. Thank you.
How beautiful was your son's simple faith to the God who he could not see, but who he knew could see him and a small colored balloon. Lovely.
Thank you.
Great story that illustrates our need to release all we have and are to God. I don't have much trouble doing that, except in one area…my mentally disabed daughter. It is very, very difficult for me to think what might happen to her if I'm not here…sometimes to the point that lay in bed and cry imagining the worse. Still praying for the release to come.
God bless,
"I don't know about your balloon is, but I know mine. Lately God is speaking deeper to me. He wants my life. All of me, everything I am, fully released to Him. For his good use here on earth as it is in heaven."
Says it all!
Praise the Lord.
Love ya.
Fantastic sweetie, love you.
Yes Lord… I release my all to You… I release my husband, Paul, to You. I release my marriage to You. I release all of my relationships to You. I humbly prostrate fall before You Father God. In Jesus' name, amen.
Struggling to release today, thank-you for this visual and for your encouragement.
A simple, yet meaningful illustration of our freedom in Him. I will think of your son the next time I see a colorful cluster of balloons.
Oh Tiffany!
*I* am being selfish but I want to say this was written for ME!!!!!! I so needed to read this today…..I am so thankful that God used you as His vessel to deliver this message. OK, I'll share it with others who are being blessed by it too, LOL. You have a gift….and I am so grateful that God has given it to you.
Oh, my daughter does the same thing…..she sends her balloons up to Heaven…especially for Beethoven, our dog who passed away a few years ago.
Thanks so much…..I am so happy that God brought our paths together.
It is amazing that the faith that comes so naturally to a child we have to work at! Great story.
I'm heading to Col Spgs this am to do a wedding at the Air Force Academy Chapel.
I remember thinking similar thoughts! "Do ya think God likes balloons?" I'd say. There's a lot about faith that simply happens eh?
Hello Tiffany
Thank you so much for the visual.
I read this yesterday and needed it more today.
My son did this too, only he said his ballon would pop in space.
I too was hesitating about him letting the ballon go.
To many times in my own life I hesitate, wonder is it time, what direction do I take next.
After losing my job, recently, these questions swim around in my head daily. It is a daily ballon lift off here.
Since, I am such a visual girl, I think that I will be going to the store and buying some ballons. Then writing all my fears, worries, dreams and prayers,and releasing them.
Some balloons need to be released daily.
Wow, that's a beautiful post Tiffany, it made me cry. Your son surely has a sweet heart for God. ๐