Okay I’m officially crazy. Or better yet, God is beyond creative in the ways He speaks. Two nights ago as I got ready for bed, I felt something rubbing against my back. With every move I made, I felt a sting. When I reached back to feel what it was, I felt the tag from my pjs. That’s weird I thought, it never bugged me before. So I looked in the mirror and saw a small area of my lower back that was sunburned from my gardening that day. Oops didn’t think about sunscreen there.
The tag had to go.
So I reached back and pulled on the woven tag. It wouldn’t budge. I yanked and tugged until it finally ripped off.
Ahhh, relief!
Let’s check out the pain culprit, this silly tag, that gave me such grief.
Oh really?! I almost laughed out loud. God allowed me a little discomfort from a tag titled “in charge.” Obviously, He sees me. I’m caught in the act.
Here’s what He spoke to my heart:
Time to quit wearing “in charge.” If you continue, it will only cause pain and discomfort. Hand over your desire to be “in charge” to Me. Quit trying to be boss of your future. Time to rest and trust me completely again. I won’t fail you. I created you and I love you. I made you tagless on purpose. I made you tagless for your comfort. Rest in the One who is always “in charge.”
Yes, Lord. You’re right. Thank you for using my sunburned back and a pajama tag to remind me who’s the boss. Without wearing “in charge,” I slept in peace.
Thank you for reading another Stop, Look and Listen where I share how God speaks through the simple, everyday and the ordinary.
I love how you "see" God in little things like this, oh how I wish that I could learn how to do that also! I am on a journey one that I hope will bring me to this place of walking with my eyes open instead of shut!
I believe God really does want to speak to our hearts and for us to know we can trust Him with everything. The tough part is trusting Him does not mean there will be no sorrow, only that He will not leave us in that place and he will be there with us and see us all the way through.
Nice to meet you, Tiffany. Yours is the name of my oldest daughter, so I happen to love it!
What a visual! Isn't it fun how God gets our attention sometimes?
Loved this post!
~ Wendy
Great post sweetie.
Sounds like God's confirming some things to you…
That is just like God huh? He is funny isn't He?
Oh My Goodness! If we would do just that!
To just allow GOD to be In Charge ~ what sweet peace and freedom we would live in:)
Fun reminder Tiffany! God is creative…always has been, since the beginning. B
Wow Tiffany. What a great post. I love how God reaches each of us and then uses yet another through another means.
Thank You Father for all these lessons in life. They are great reminders "who's boss" indeed. In Jesus' name, amen.
Tiffany, can't tell you how important and comforting this was to me. Thank you Dear Heart. Love, Gloria
What a great moment, Tiffany. The little things we miss are often the big things God wants us to see the most. I'm glad you never miss them!
Another confirmation to me that God DOES have a sense of humor..
What a great post! Love it!
I wear In Charge way too often. Thanks for this great reminder, Tiffany!
By the way, I'm loving Real Moms, Real Jesus. Thank you so much!
Irony? I think not! I agree… "It's a God Thang!" as is said on my 'post it note' on my wall today. =0)
Thanks for dropping by my little neck of the cyber-space woods!
How wonderful God is in reminding us of what is really important. I love His new way of communicating with you lately!
If only we all were to look at the seemingly innocent things that come into our vision everyday, we may just realize God's little whispers in the everyday!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Hmmm GOD IS SPEAKING sister!
Love you.
Ah yes! The reminder that He is always in charge and we need to actively make the choice to allow Him to have control of our lives always. Thanks for these thoughts.
Oh Tiffany …. that was just such a God moment and I love it when He does those things! I love the peaceful sleep after too!
I've missed visiting so much due to another heart scare and another diagnosis that is causing me some 'stopping' time right now but I'm trying to keep somewhat afloat in blog land.
Love ya bunches!
Powerful! I always cut the tags out of my clothes. They drive me wild!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog.
Great reminder – I know I need to let God be in charge much more.
I'm reading several days after these posts, so I'm reading backwards. Just read the post about pain and the braces and what we can learn. Now, this one about being "in charge." When we try to be in charge we preempt God's role for our lives. I think pain we experience while trying to assume this posture is God's attempt to teach us humility. We don't have to be in charge; we just have to be sensitive to God's leading and faithfully follow.