Not too long ago I started experimenting with my Canon camera. I learned I could use the macro setting and get a clear close up shot of just about anything. Fascinating! Nothing was off limits. Ant piles. Fresh fruit. Budding tree limbs. A Triscuit cracker.
One day while waiting for Hannah to get in the car after school, I focused my lens on my son Justin’s eye. I couldn’t believe it. I could see his eye better with my camera than I could with my own eye. Beautiful! So much detail. And to think no two irises are alike. God’s creativity goes way beyond my finite mind. Wow!
As the weeks went on and I continued to take close up shots, God spoke to my heart.
“Just like you are with your camera always looking for beauty and getting close up to capture something on film, I am close up to you. Appreciating and capturing your every moment.”
Talk about a breathtaking and scary moment. To acknowledge the Creator of the Universe has His eye on me all the time. Knowing He sees what I cannot see and that He still appreciates something in me blows my mind. He doesn’t miss a moment. He stays up close and personal to capture my life through his lens. Who wouldn’t want a relationship with a God like that?
Just think right now, He’s focusing and capturing you too. Simply beautiful!
Say cheese. ๐
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, Psalm 33:18 (NIV)
Not only do I love how He speaks, but I love the tender things He whispers to our hearts.
Blessings, sweet Tiffany.
I praise God that he is not only a micro and macro God, but also a wide-angle and zoom-in God. There is nothing too big or too small that escapes His watchful eye. I have really been enjoying your “Stop, Look and Listen” posts. They give me lots to ponder. Thanks.
I am focused on you Lord. Thank you for watching over me. B
I love how He speaks sweetly to me.
Great photo, and great thoughts. When I was a kid we used to sing this song, “There’s an all-seeing eye watching you.” As I recall, it was to plant a sense of fear in us that God was watching and would see anything bad we did. I like your take on this – God sees all we do but still desires relationship with us. Yes, he sees the bad, but he wants to forgive it if we’ll accept it. God’s all-seeing eye isn’t a threat, it is an invitation!
I like how the eye in the picture is beautiful, like our Lord. Sometimes when I picture Him watching me all the time I’m tempted to think it is an eye of judgment and harshness…but this reminds me, He has MY beauty in mind at all times. I liked how this post helped me to think of God in a new way.
~ Wendy
Tiffany, I love how you took your camera’s macro setting and compared it to our Heavenly Father’s eye on us. It just blessed my heart when I read it today. The most amazing aspect of that, is that despite what He sees, He loves and cherishes me through it all. How very comforting that is to me today. I really enjoy my visits to your blog.
Very cool. God is in every detail.
Beautiful Tiffany!!!
Lovely thought…lovely post!
Just think, God has his own “Stop, Look and Listen” sessions regarding only YOU! He has one for each of us! (What a COOL pic of your son’s eye!)
He places beauty in us and then tell us he is enthralled with our beauty. It’s stunning.
We are the apple of His eye!
what a POWERFUL message Tiffany!
What an awesome truth and what a beautiful shot. Great post.
Simply beautiful, and you’re right–scary! There is a lot about me that I’d rather not be seen up close!
but He knows all, and loves me anyway!
Thanks, Tiffany!
Beautiful! Nuff said.
This thought use to scare me, but now that I’ve come into a new understanding of His love for me, I find comfort in knowing He “sees” me and wants me to “see” Him as well.
Oh Wow Tiffany,
That was awesome. What a cool camera!
And to tie that pic in with God always desiring to capture our every beautiful moment as well? It moved my heart.
As you said, “Simply Beautiful!”
Wow! What a wonderful Maker!
Good encouragement. I have a hard time getting my mind around the concept that our holy God looks at me with an even deeper love than I look at my own kids. The love I long for in always pursuing me.
I also love taking up-close pics with my Canon. I’m fascinated with the amazing details.
I love the analogy. I just hopped over through Warren Baldwin’s blog. Love your blog title also. If I had my blog name to do over again, it would be The Impatient Steeper
Wow! I like this!
( I am catching up from old the reading I missed on our trip to Texas, can you tell?)