How does God guide your everyday life? Can you trust His warnings and directions? For me, it means following the prompting of His Holy Spirit moment by moment, not just in the morning with my Bible open.
God is a creative God. I fully believe God knows how to get through to us if we will ask and listen long enough to hear. In my life, God often speaks through a variety of ways. Like through another person, through my daily experiences like being in a shopping line or at a basketball game, through watching my kids interact, or through a movie or nature. The list of ways is endless. All I know is I do not want to limit God’s voice in my life. I need Him. Desperately. Every minute.
For example, I’ve had days when I’ve been moody and stressed and I want to talk down to my kids or husband. I sense God’s Spirit saying, “No.” “Be quiet.”
If I listen, I still feel mouthy but I sense a blessing for obeying. If I denied the voice and say a little piece of my mind, I feel remorse and conviction.
Now what I do with that conviction leads to one of two things. Either greater intimacy or distance with God. I either draw near to God, say I’m sorry and admit my need for Him. Or I push God away and His voice gets quieter next time. The better of the two is back towards relationship with God. Humbling yes, but letting Him live through me is the harder, sweeter road to travel.
How ’bout this sign? How do you know when to turn directions?
One way for me is by sensing a restlessness that won’t leave me even after prayer. For example, something changed in my attitude and mind at our former church home. Not the pastor, his messages were still good. The change was deeper and in my heart. My restlessness became so loud that I couldn’t pay attention. I heard every cough. I felt bored and found myself checking out the tops of heads. Don’t ask.
This frustration led to a conversation with my husband. More than once. We prayed and eventually decided to change churches. It was hard leaving some of our dear friends. But once we moved and settled on a new church home, peace returned. I believe God knows what He is doing when we sense a restless heart more than I do. Change can be good. Why we fight Him is beyond me. I’ve found good gifts by following his sign to turn directions.
One example is the amazing opportunity I had yesterday to share my testimony on Mother’s Day. God gave me the chance to speak to my church family about how great He is. I felt completely alive to be able to testify of God’s love. How He took my darkness moment and brought me new life! I’m humbled to know that I was able to give honor and dignity again to my baby named Grace.
Thank You, Lord for signs. Thank you for both the no’s and the signs to turn in a new direction. Help me to obey when “no” is the harder but right thing to do. You are our trustworthy guide. I can follow You without fear. You’re always a step ahead of me pounding in directional signs. Help me see the signs as they come and enable me to gladly follow Your marked trail. I love you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you for joining me for another Stop, Look and Listen where I share how God speaks through the simple, everyday and the ordinary.
Sometimes we do ignore the signs and directions. I have been restless and bored in church for awhile. There….I said it! When I am bored I start noticing the decor of the church, the kind of wood used in the building, etc. Thankfully God is allowing me to be at the beach service this summer, more involved rather than in the pew. I’m glad you spoke of His greatness yesterday. I wish I could have been a fly on the woodwork watching you share His story in your life. Oh, did you read God Calling today? Two. The power of two. B
I think the spirit of discernment is being open to the subtle signs that God sends our way. I’ll be honest, I don’t always know how to read them. As a minister I occasionally wonder, “What is God trying to tell me in the midst of a church struggle?” Is he trying to tell me to leave or to stay and work it out. Twice now I have left, and it turned out to be generally good for my family. A couple of other times I’ve stayed and worked through it, and that turned out good, too. Once we had a set of neighbors that were so horribly bad (from our perspective) that I couldn’t tell if God sent them there to test us or Satan sent them there to break us! I never determined which, because they moved (and we sighed a prayer of relief).
Often times I recognize a sign but can’t read the direction of the arrow. I appreciate your sensitivity to this issue! As usual, good job of writing and addressing key issues.
I’m like you, Tiffany. I think that God speaks to us constantly through the little things we see and do and hear. Getting lost is never His will for us, because there are plenty of signs along the way leading us straight to Him.
Wonderful post!
I agree with you my friend, love you.
Hi Tiffany,
I like what Warren said. "I think the spirit of discernment is being open to the subtle signs that God sends our way."
At present, I would appreciate your prayers for me as I am at a place where I am seeking another church. I believe with all of my heart, actually with a strong feeling of discernment, that this is being led by God. My faith is ever so strong and has not changed at all.
I was meant to read this post tonight Tiffany, as I need direction now from Him, where I am to relocate to another church. Since we live in a small town, we only have two other churches, one Catholic and one Methodist. The next Christian church would be a 15-25 minute drive away one way. This is the first time I've actually shared this with anyone, but I believe it is God led as I read this post. Actually, I feel I need to share this on my blog, as I need the prayers of all to help direct my path to relocating to a different church.
Thank you for sharing this. As always, I am deeply touched in my mind and heart when I leave here.
Hugs & Love,
Hi Warren,
I definitely understand trying to discern when the heat is on. Sometimes I too have found I was supposed to push through the season of testing. That’s probably why we stayed at our former church home for so long before moving on. I didn’t want to miss what God was trying to teach me. I begged him to show me my sins and cleanse my heart. I didn’t want to lead our family. Derek had to agree. And I wanted God’s leading most of all, not what I “felt” to guide us.
Thank you for doing the hard work of seeking God’s face in each particular case. I loved your sharing.
Thank you for opening up your heart and sharing such a personal decision with us. I’m thankful this post helped you. I hope everyone who reads your comment here will stop and pray for you as go where GOD sends you.
You never know who may need your friendship, testimony or your prayers at another church home. God knows what He is doing. We can trust Him to reveal His plan and purpose in His perfect time.
I’ve had the same restlessness when Papa was preparing us to change churches, though I had to wait for Him to show David.
I think of that verse He’s repeating with me… “I will lead the blind on the unfamiliar paths, saying do not turn to the right or the left…here’s the way walk in it… (my paraphrase)…
I pray your time went well yesterday at church.
Love ya!
This is what strikes me tonight:
“If I listen, I still feel mouthy …”
I continually want to “talk back,” but God reminds me to be quiet.
When we “still” ourselves, we can hear the voice of God.
Great post, Tiffany.
Praise the God in Heaven Tiffany.
Thank You Father God for using Tiffany to give us messages. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you for sharing this. I sent you a rather lengthy note concerning our country. Right now, discernment and hearing the Lord clearly is so important to all of us. We are soldiers on the move. Remember, Jesus never had a permanent place to put his head or park his sandals. I am praying for all of you on this thread to hear clearly the call from the One Who Loves You So Much! We soldiers of the cross have to be ready every moment to move where He wants us to.
Blessings to all and my you each hear and obey.
Blessings, Paulette Harris
This was powerful to read. I hear you loud and clear and understand that feeling of restlessness even after prayer. Thanks for your authenticity!
~ Wendy
Looking for the signs and obeying them can definitely keep us on the straight and narrow path of revealing the righteousness of God and experiencing the His power in our lives.
This was great Tiffany!
OH girl…I so needed to read this today. As I too can hear His voice very loud and clear…and yet I am stubborn and sometimes choose the ‘not good’ road to take and can be oh not so nice with words. Just last night on my walk I was asking God if He could seriously duct tape my mouth because I can’t seem to get it right!
Thank you for this post! And praising God for the work I know He is doing in the hearts who were blessed to hear you speak yesterday!
Hey Tiffany,
Another great Stop, Look and Listen! I just love your new series.
God is always speaking, He desires to guide us and teach us.
I love all the many ways He does.
Many times I fail to hear him, and that’s disappointing.
I’ll start listening more, and being silent too!
I’m getting better about heeding the road signs; the more “in tune” I am with God, the quicker I pick up on his signals. How thankful I am for the presence of God’s Spirit within. I need Thee every hour.
Thanks for checking in Tiffany. It means so much to me.
Thanks Tiffany. You know, I believe that if we have hearts that are sensitive to God, and seek his leading, even if we don’t always know for sure where the direction is leading for a particular issue/decision, we will still come out ok. For example, should I stay in Kansas and preach here, or move to some other place and preach there? One place may be better than the other, but the important thing is that we serve, no matter where we are.
What town are we going to live in, what job will we take, which house should we buy … I believe God may have a preference for these choices, but mostly I think he wants us to worship him and serve our fellow man. We can do that in various contexts.
You got a good discussion going! WB
We cannot know the directions or read the sign if we do not read the road map.. His Word… Amen…
God bless you
Powerful sharing and words to feed on. Bless you Tiffany as you speak and live unto the LORD.
Good post with a good smack in the head to me. Thanks for sharing.