Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you carrying a heavy load? So much responsibility. Major choices to make. I know I do. Recently on a day when I needed some encouragement, I saw this truck on the interstate. This image spoke of God’s greater truth. Take a closer look with me.
See this truck? Now check out the mud flaps. What do they say?
Did you catch that?
Load. King.
Is this truck load full or empty?
Empty and light. Interesting! This trucker must be going to get another load. That’s what truckers usually do. Transport loads from place to place.
And that’s what God does for me and you. He gladly carries our heavy loads.
So why are we being crushed under heavy loads then? Why aren’t we giving our burdens to Him moment by moment so that we can enjoy our today? Do we not trust Him enough? Do we think He’s small? Do we like control? What is it about us that makes us think we are strong enough to carry the weight of the world on our backs?
It’s time, my friend. Pass over your heavy load to the One who can carry it easily. You aren’t a semi truck. I’m definitely not. I’m thinking I’m more like a Volkswagon Bug! Remember I’m buggy lately. I can’t carry much or my tires will blow out. My gas tank and frame are small. Can you imagine a semi-truck size load on top of a VW? What a sight! My design requires someone much bigger and stronger.
My load requires the Load King.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28(NLT)
I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.
Psalm 145:1 (NIV)
Thank you, Lord, for reminding me where to take my heavy load and the loads of those I love. To you, my King.
Thank you for joining me for another Stop, Look and Listen where I share how God speaks through the simple, the everyday, and the ordinary moments of life.
You’re right! Why am I carrying this burden. Time to unload. Today’s been a tough day and I needed this simple reminder.
Blessings – Lisa
Thanks for this.
I’m copying that picture and putting it in my wallet.
Just so I can look at this every day.
Thank you, Tiffany!
Awesome object lesson! With four teenagers I NEED my load King! I like that! Blessings to you today!
What a beautiful reminder that He carries our loads! Thank you!
This is so good, Tiffany.
I thank God for you and that you are using your unique gifts to bless all of us…and many more who know you but may not know your blog.
There are days I feel myself carrying this burden or that burden and then a light bulb goes off in my head. I think, “Oh yeah, God! Why am I carrying this? He’s stronger than I am!” (That thought is usually followed by a great big “Duh!”)
I think I’d be a mini Cooper (since my son’s name is Cooper)!
The Load King.
I love it! 🙂
Great message…I just need to remember.
Amen! This is something I have been trying to learn too. I am so glad He carries our load. Thanks for the great reminder!
Love the new look my friend!
Tiffany, we do see messages from God through a similar lens. I have gathered a few things I need to give the Load King today. B
Oh I forgot to tell you I like your new picture: ) and blog changes. B
When I first looked at the mud flaps I thought they said, “Lord King.” I thought that was a great testament to have on a truck! Then I read your comments and saw it was “Load King.” Ok, so my eyes must be going (and they really are). Load King is good too! Good application in your post here.
One of my favorite verses that came to mind with your story – “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly at heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt. 11:18-20. Jesus is the “Load King”!
Note: Tiffany, the right side of your page is blocked on my computer screen with the border.
Great word Tiffany!
Oh my, I just LOVE YOUR NEW LOOK!!!
I’m so glad you’ve kept your tea-house. It drew me in right away the first time I visited.
Enjoying your new series.
Blessings to you my friend♥
Tiffany: all I can say is…
Check this out:
I’m being funny here!
I totally agree with you!
THAT PICTURE IS PERFECT! I laughed out loud…
Who knew!
Thanks for making my morning.
I love your pictures… they are just awesome. I am SO glad that you have moved into this. I know it was a risk for you, but personally, my friend, I believe it is a risk that has blessed His heart….
Pictures say a thousand words….
Keep writing His heart in you… It’s stunning!
Love ya!
Love your new look.
I love this feature, Tiffany. What a great way to be aware of Him–looking for Him in the every day.
Lightening the load…
Thanks for sharing another significant message. I never really paid attention the “truck flaps”, yet another thing you’ve brought to my mind’s eye! (smile)
I read something yesterday in my daily devotional, “HE knew this suffering would pass.” I hold on to that. As difficult as “stuff” may seem, I do believe that this too, shall pass.
Love for a great day!
the butterfly.