This is my first post called Stop, Look and Listen. God has been prompting me for months and months to share ordinary moments with you. He’s given me this title too. As you may have noticed, I’ve been sharing more pictures with you, but this is taking my photos one step further by sharing what God is saying to me through what I see. Fear of man’s opinions has crippled me for far too long. I can’t live for others another day. I’m finally ready to fully surrender and share my ordinary God sized moments with you. This is one more way I can be free! God speaks to me through the simple, the everyday, the ordinary.
So here’s to the first of many, Lord willing, Stop, Look and Listen posts. Maybe I will get a button made too.
(Don’t ask! I’m known to do this at unexpected times. Especially when God speaks, I stop, look and listen. Capturing a holy moment!Okay, I’ll explain.)
I snapped this today as I waited for my tax lady to open her front door. You can only imagine how frantic I was to hurry up and shoot my pic before she answered. Hmm, yeah, I’m inches away from your lock with my camera. Do you mind if I take a picture?
A God sized moment with me and a Faultless deadbolt.
God spoke to my heart, “That’s you. Faultless.” Excuse me? You’ve got to be kidding. I wanted to plead my case because I know me and I am far from faultless. But that wouldn’t be right. I needed to accept this word and its truth. Wow! To think because of Christ I am actually considered faultless and blameless in His eyes. Unbelievable!
Is that not reason enough to pause, take a picture, and share?
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.
Amen. Jude 1:24-25 (NKJV)
So stop and look again.
Listen to His whisper, “That’s you. Faultless.”
This is so great! I was just thinking of you and your cardboard sign. It reminded me of how in some cultures if you have done something wrong you are branded and shamed amoung your people. I was praying that you would move beyond this feeling and know that God sees you a “faultless”! You have been cleansed by the blood of the lamb! He has thrown your sin into the sea and remembers it no more! It’s amazing that you are posting this today! God Bless you, Tiffany! :0)
Love it. I just paused for a minute to see if there were any subtle clues throughout my day that I may have missed. I am going to try to be more mindful of them tomorrow and report back (smile) I love your comment, “I can’t live for others another day.”
I’m getting to that point and your post helps me one step further. This is one more way I can be free!
Love, peace and blessings!
Tiffany, this is what we all should do… Stop, Look and Listen. I prayed today that I would see more moments. God speaks all the time. I do not want to miss Him communicating with me. I wish the tax lady had seen you with the camera. Then you could have shared the God moment with her. This makes me want to tell my frying pan story. Lord, help us see you all the time. Thanks for sharing this Tiffany. God just gave me an idea as I am writing this comment. He is amazing and He wants the world to know HE IS THE ONE TRUE GOD. I prayed for you today. I wondered where I could find an eagle costume for you. LOL! B
Oh Tiffany, thank you for sharing this wonderful reminder of the way the Lord sees us. Each day I will say to myself, “Beckie, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!” or as you said, “faultless!!” Praise the Lord for His redemption power in our lives. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for sharing Tiffany.I love your heart. That is one of my favorite verses. I can’t wait to read #2. Prayers, BarbaraJean
Awesome post.
Oh how I love those God moments. You’re frist Stop, Look and Listen post is a wonderful beginning of more to come, and that’s definitely what He wants.
I love what He showed you through that picture. I’m following Him and you. I can’t wait to see what the next God moment will be.
It is hard to believe that when God looks at us He does not see us as we are, He sees us covered in the blood of His son, spotless and pure without blemish or wrinkle! Mmmmmm…good stuff to think on!
Dear Heavenly Father thank you for sending Jesus…so I could be presented faultess before You! Amen
Yes, yes! Through the sacrifice of Jesus and His eternal work in our lives, we are faultless, able to stand before Him without shame! Thank you for sharing! Many Easter blessings to you.
Beautiful picture, beautiful truth….
Loved it!
I love this! I have wondered if anyone else has moments like this. I don’t have them all the time, but when I do, I know it’s a special gift from Him. I can’t wait to read/see more on this to come. How did yesterday go for you? I haven’t gone to the archives yet to listen, but just wondered if anything/moments stood out for you. ~Blessings!
How wonderful! You have encouraged me to start looking and listening for God to speak to me through the ordinary things of life!
I am so thankful that through Christ I too am faultless!
oh yeah! Sweet words from the Master. Calling the things that are not as though they are…always the merciful, always gentle…always patient.
Thanks Tiffany!