My family and I were shocked when we heard that Steve Irwin, otherwise known as Crocodile Hunter, was killed by a stingray this week. We liked him. Irwin, 44, was a wildlife icon, a passionate environmentalist and conservationalist. He lived his life with purpose, leaving behind a legacy.
Death puts life into perspective, doesn’t it? Death reminds me of the brief time I actually have to live life on earth. I, too, want to leave a legacy. Not one of mediocrisy, but rather a life of love for God and all people. Each day I live, my words and actions create my legacy. My kids are watching me. What are they learning from me?
It’s no coincidence I’m reading a book called Unlocking Your Legacy by Paul J. Meyer.
Legacy matters.
I’m ready to be brave and stand up for what I believe in. Are you?
If so, let’s rise up together and give the world the best we have to offer. Our time is fleeting. And someone watching needs our love and encouragement.
For information about Irwin’s death:,2933,212037,00.html
Good Job Tiffany. We should be concerned about how we appear to others. Are we the really the “genuine thing”, a diamond in the rough, or a bright shiny flashy bauble that is a beautiful imitation? Will we leave a legacy that is cherished or just left overs from a life of regrets?