Today I’m joining Ann’s 1000 Gifts -Multitude on Mondays – to start counting my blessings online. In the past, I’ve participated in posting thanks on Thankful Thursdays but I think Monday may work better for me. I believe being thankful changes everything. Isn’t attitude important? My family and I have journals where we write thanks (actually it’s time to bring then out again). And Monday is a perfect day to post thanks because usually Monday’s are known for something not so good, like the beginning of a long, work week. AKA Manic Monday. I can still remember when all I noticed was the negative in life. Those were rough times. Praise God for giving me a new perspective and a new heart. Not that I don’t still see negative in my days, but now I know how to turn it around.
Through gratitude.
So I’ll jump right in with sharing my gifts of gratitude:
1. Being able to capture moments with my camera.
2. My son’s graduation. Oh happy day!
3. My nephew graduating.
4. My son and his friends making movies, yes, even in the snow.
5. Goofy cooperation when I see a creative shot!
6. Being a part of a local Toastmasters club
8. Being able to share Jesus through drama and speaking (I’m a branch from John 15)
9. Witnessing the Thunderbirds for the AFA graduation. (My favorite day in the Springs)
10. My other half…making the kissy face.
11. A visit to Bishop’s Castle with my parents.
10. Being reminded of the Light of the World!
***Care to read more gifts? Visit Ann’s blog (link on Multitudes on Mondays logo above) for others who are linked in. Or join in yourself!
And come back tomorrow as I review a new book, Just Too Busy by Joanne Kraft!
Finally, a blog for tea drinkers… Okay, it’s much more than that, but I love the idea, Tiffany (your name, too). Today I’m thankful for nature. It shouts praises of our loving Lord. I never tire of it, even the rain as it plinks on my window. Clouds are ever changing and I have to be careful lest I run into something when I’m walking or driving. Extreme heat I can do without, but then I’m thankful that I live in a day and age when there’s air conditioning. Amen!
Blessings ~ Danie
Tiffany – I started this a few weeks back. It’s amazing how I look around and notice things for which to be thankful – things I had never thought of before. It certainly helps to count our blessings.
Hi there,
I just started mine last week!! So glad I did.
Hi Tiffany, I think I’m going to start back up with 1,000 gifts too! Love all your pictures – it’s fun to see your family in action 🙂