“The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. And we must not select a few favorite passages to the exclusion of others. Nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian.”
~ A.W. Tozer ~
Spiritual perfection? Is that actually achievable here on earth? I’m not sure. When Jesus taught about loving enemies he said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”(Matthew 5:48). Now there’s a tall order! As a perfectionist, I’ve struggled with that phrase. What does that mean? I can’t be perfect!
The study notes in my Bible says “be perfect” means growing in character, in holiness, in maturity and in love. The process of spiritual perfection is similar to a newborn baby maturing into adulthood. It takes time. As a mom, I expect different behavior from my high schooler than I would my friend’s preschooler. But the same applies the other way too. I wouldn’t expect a toddler to be able to communicate like my teenager can.
No wonder God is so patient. He knows where we are on the journey to perfection. Some days I wonder if I’m out of spiritual diapers yet. On a good day, I’m in elementary school.
I’ve searched for a short cut to spiritual perfection. Have you? So far, cutting corners doesn’t work. I’ve tried. The process is maturing in Christ is a lifelong one–one that is complete as we know the whole Word of God. I love Tozer’s quote. It’s a great reminder to live day-by-day, verse-by-verse.
**Thank you to Debbie from Coffee And Chocolate for hosting this week’s In Other Words.
Amen Tiffany! Blessings on you and the rest of us as we continue to grow in God’s grace and by His grace!
Oh Tiffany! This really spoke to my heart. I struggle everyday with wanting to walk a more perfect walk with God. I am so thankful that God forgives sinners like me every day of my life. But, I love your analogy and believe me I feel blessed having found you!
Thank you for visiting the attic. Stop in again and have a cuppa something with me sometime!
Great post! Bless you for sharing!
WOW!!! I think sometimes i’m still in preschool!! I love God’s patience don’t you???
Verse by verse. That’s the way!
[As a perfectionist, I’ve struggled with that phrase] I have noticed that everyone that struggled with that phrase is a perfectionist… and I go back to my lifetime struggle. Why do I have to be perfect? What do I stand to lose if I am less than perfect?
Amen!! Good thoughtful post.
Yes, I always struggle with those verses on perfection. Great post!
P.S. I tagged you in a little meme but don’t feel obligated to participate.
I enjoyed your thoughts on this weeks quote, bless you.
Great post Tiffany. Love the spiritual diaper comparison – Yikes – Pull ups maybe. Praise God he is patient.
Hmmm as I try to work through perfection, without God’s help, it seems to me that pride rises his ugly head. Ug!
God knows that I want to walk right with Him and with a humble heart, I ask to be taught. I am sure glad that Jesus lives in me.
We chase meaningless things, overanalyze and micromanage our lives and beat ourselves up because we fall short of what we define as perfection. Guess what; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Not some of us, but, ALL. Good news is we are redeemed and given grace through Jesus Christ. The bible says: He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God. Perfection comes when we see others through the lens of God and step out of our Christian comfort zone and see what God sees. STOP IT!! God Loves You and wants to use you just the way you are, unperfect. Do not fool yourself that you need to be perfect to be a light. Remember, the smallest light will always penetrate the dark. God gave you his spirit and has tranformed your heart to be a light and salt to the world. Be humble, show mercy and plant some seeds of hope. This is what matters most.
“Some days I wonder if I’m out of spiritual diapers yet.” Me too, and sometimes I think I am potty trained and then I slip up and go back to diapers =(( .
Great post.