I’m thankful I carry my camera in my purse. It sure comes in handy. I can capture life as it really is. Sometimes raw beauty. Or in this case, downright ugly! This is in Dillards(a department store). When I saw this endcap in the teen girls section, I was speechless. Outraged. I didn’t care if the staff saw me taking pictures of their display. Something is seriously sick and wrong with our fashion world.
This brand Sinful was selected the display for the entire juniors department. Who’s in charge here?
What’s wrong with our culture to get to this place of thinking being “sinful” is cool?
Why does stuff like this still surprise me?
Something’s gotta give!
God, help us!
Something truly really has to give… I am thankful that my kids woudl cringe at that display, but so many girls out there today would think it was cool… and I will quote my oldest daughter who is 13 as she quotes a very famous Jonas Brother “if breathing wasn’t cool, then 95% of teenage girls would be dead.” Spoken out of the mouths of babes…May God help us all…
Well, if you hadn’t taken the photos, I wouldn’t have believed it … well, I would have believed you … wow…
On another note, thanks for the enocuraging words on my TT post.
Woe to those who call good evil and evil good…This is so sad Tiffany. They have kept getting more blatantly rebellious as time goes on (the logos I mean).
Lots of woes, but always hope…
That is unbelievable.
Oh… isn’t this a sad reflection of our culture? May You, Oh Lord, help us to turn from the ways of the world to the things that please Your heart. Help us to teach our children how to walk with You on a steady course.
It’s His kindness that leads us to repentance… God draw our nation to YOU!
Thank you for your comment on my latest post. Yes, I write what I feel. I want you to know what a heaven sent you are. When I have time today to sit and write my next post, I hope that I can portray why you are. Have a wonderful day in chilly Colorado. It is rainiing here in not so sunny South Carolina.
Those pictures make me so sick to my stomach. The worst part is that years ago I would have been sporting those clothes proudly. It was a great reminder of what my Lord has brought me out of. BUT what a horrible way to bring our girls into rebellion. Sad. So sad.
As I’ve been working more with teens, I’m beginning to realize that this is only a tiny picture into the reality kids live in today. It is a dark world and there are very few bright spots in it. All the more reason to pray for kids in the public school system to shine for Jesus!
Even after working in youth group for several years and not being easily shocked by some of what I saw, THIS shocks me, and it breaks my heart. Thank you for the wake-up call…truly a sobering glimpse into the culture surrounding our kids. Praying harder this day…
How sad is that?! If you find out who makes those shirts, it will help if we boycott them. Sadly, the more edgy the clothes are the more kids are drawn to them. Thanks for the info!!
Thank goodness God will always be in control. It saddens me though to see how our society is changing though.
How horrible…satan is trying to get our kids however he can…
Pray, Pray, PRAY!
At least they pegged the correct adjective.
Thank God he took my “full of sin” and replaced it with the his “full of grace.” Maybe we need a new line of clothing that reads accordingly.
How right you are! Something definitely has to give. It is a good thing to keep us aware of what is going on. I haven’t been in our Dillards in months—and rarely look at anything other than the shoes! I am blown away at what the world is creating and doing.
But God is doing MORE. In hearts. Sound the alarms—let all know—evil is present—but GOD IS TOO! AND our TEAM WINS!!!!!
Dillards??? I’m shocked. My daughter and I were just there recently and didn’t see any clothes like this so maybe it isn’t in every store. I’m so sorry to see/hear this.
Yeah, that really is…. I don’t even know. What in the world?
I am in total and complete shock! How awful that someone designed that, stores liked it and put it up on a display, and now people who shop in those stores have it before their eyes!! Our country needs a big wake-up call doesn’t it?