Today I read a friend’s blog (Thanks, Heather) and found out about an opportunity to win a free scholarship to the She Speaks conference by Lysa Terkeurst. My heart flipped thinking about this opportunity. I’d love to win. I’ve been praying for direction with my life and the desire to talk to women hasn’t left me. I don’t know where to begin. And I am terrified.
My friend who’s a literary agent told me this week I need to work on building my platform if I want to write a book. I appreciated her honesty but deep down I was frustrated. How do I do that? I hate the thought of marketing my name. Who wants to hear God’s message through my life story? I want the focus to be HIM.
Then yesterday another friend told me Satan attacks the area of our giftness more than anywhere else. That’s an interesting thought. Because I’ve been humiliated on stage throughout my life.
I dropped out a college because I’d have to take a communications class (speeches).
But for some reason, I continue to desire to talk to women. I want to shout about God’s goodness and love. I want all women to know they have value–regardless. I pray often, “Here I am Lord. Send me.”
One incident sticks out to me about being attacked. At my ten-year high school reunion, one former classmate who was then a news anchor for a California station said to me,
“Oh, I remember you. You were the one who messed up on your only line in drama.”
Thanks. Nice to see you again too.
The stories continue. I won’t bore you though.
And about my writing. I never understood what I read as a kid. I hated to read, it magnified how stupid I was. I was the one who got low scores in comprehension on state mandated tests. I never wanted to be a writer.
However starting at a young age, I’ve always wished I could share my heart but I was too shy to speak. I even had to go to “speech class” in third grade. I never pushed my way into conversations. Still don’t much. But deep inside, I ache to express myself. It’s like a volcano brewing under the surface. Someday it’s gonna blow!!
Over the past four years, God has opened the writing door for me as I’ve stepped out in faith. He’s made the writer path clearer than clear. Every time I try to find a “real job,” another writing door opens. Now I can’t imagine not writing. It’s an outlet for me. A place to pour out my thoughts. A safe haven. A place to be me and allow others to listen in. I love it. And I even get paid for it. What more could I ask for?
Enough of my thoughts. I could keep on rambling.
Now it’s your turn to enter. Visit She Speaks and the link above. Maybe you will be the winner. If you are, come back and tell me. I will celebrate with you.
God knows who needs to go and why. I pray He handpicks someone who needs the encouragement and affirmation.
Tiffany, I can’t imagine that God wouldn’t bless you for stepping out in the area of speaking. You know how to use words to express yourself and transitioning to the spoken word will come naturally. I’m so excited to see how God will work in this new area of ministry for you.
The idea that Satan attacks our areas of spiritual giftedness makes a lot of sense to me. Discouragement is never from the Lord.
Tiffany…I think it is the neatest thing…yesterday I asked you about the conference you were about to attend…and you told me “google one” :)—which I intended to. But then got so busy with work…and then while taking a quick break from my mashed up brain of data entry for the billing system—I hop over to “BooMama’s” and found just what you found. YEAH GOD!
So, I entered. I have no clue if I am to go…(since funds are non-existent at this point)—or maybe the Lord wants to turn my focus to the possibility of “planning for one in the future”. So I leave it up to Him.
I would love to see you there! I would love to meet you in person! We will see what God does!
I love the picture on your blog! I agree with your friend that satan does attack us in the area we need to be serving in. Good luck on winning!
Tiffany, I pray that God will continue to bless your desire to share your testimony with others.
Thanks for sharing so candidly here. I’m so glad I found your blog; maybe we’ll meet at the conference?
Persevere my dear, follow after your dream, if doors are opening then you are no the right path!
I pray that you win sweet one.