My favorite devotional book is Streams in the Desert. There is not a day’s devotion I can’t relate to. If you don’t have one, it’s worth finding on eBay or at a bookstore and buying it. ๐
Last month, one particular day’s reading stuck out to me. Here’s a part of it.
God wins His greatest victories through apparent defeats. Very often the enemy seems to triump for a season, and God allows it. But then He comes in and upsets the work of the enemy, overthrowing the apparent victory, and as the Bible says, “frustrates the ways of the wicked” (Ps. 146:9) Consequently, He gives us a much greater victory than we would have known has He not allowed the enemy to seemingly triumph in the first place…
Defeat may serve as well as victory
To shake the soul and let the glory out.
(Copied from January 18th, Streams in the Desert, updated edition, 1997.)
Again, I’m amazed by the truth as I type this. I’ve struggled with shame and defeat most of my life. One particular time, I thought that was it for me. There was no way I could redeem myself, my sin was too great. I felt useless to God—forever. But God, the great God of mercy and unfailing love, reached down and lifted me out of my pit, dressed me in new clothes, and set ablaze the rags I once wore— never to be worn again.
I’m free!
Today, I stand in awe of how God is using me in little ways to encourage others. I’m the person who ran from God, the person who blatantly chose the world’s ways over His promises. I’m a living example of God’s grace. Aren’t we all? God is slowly taking the very ashes of my life and rebuilding me. I sense God’s love. I feel His favor. I know I’m forgiven.
If you are still in the valley of defeat, hold on tightly to God. Don’t let go, your victory is coming. Without a doubt.
Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:14, emphasis mine.)
Thanks for the encouraging words today Tiffany. Our family has been in a season of “defeat” for about a month – with sickness!! Not a week has gone by since early January where one or more of us has not been out of commission from school, work, or life! It’s getting to me. Satan is nipping at our heels and would love nothing more than to steal our victory and our joy – but I know my God is bigger. Thanks for reminding me.
Isn’t it awesome that we can all be reading the same devotional books at different times in our lives? That was my favorite book a few years ago and apparantely I have not learned all the lessons yet!! Thank you for sharing. Defeat can come in many and different forms for everyone. For us lately, it has been weird stuff – like the ATM machine eating our card, vehicle problems, getting in the wrong lines at Walmart, etc. Satan just trying to push the buttons every where he can to get at us. BUT GOD! He is our victor. We are free in Him. All praises be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.