September 11th 2001. I remember where I was when I first saw the news of the Twin Towers being struck. I was in my kitchen making coffee. I’m sure you remember where you were too. News like that doesn’t fade from our memory banks, instead it creates a deep scar forever etched in our thoughts when we think of 9-11. Yet I have two friends with a September 11th birthday. I wonder how they feel about their birth date now. I hope they are still celebrate their special day, for they are worth celebrating.
Here’s my prayer today:
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for the lives who were born on this day, may they be remembered today with joy and gratitude.
Lord, please comfort those who mourn for their lost loved one today. Six years doesn’t take away the pain. Be their peace, their strong tower. Be the shelter from the storm. Send special people to reach out and just be with them. Prompt people to call or send a card.
September 11th is a day America lost part of its freedom. We grieve that loss. Thank you for the heroic acts of many who died to save others. Thank you for not allowing any more attacks on American soil since then. Not of that magnitude anyway. I pray you will bring good of this tragedy. New good.
May your people seek your face in humble repentance for any hatred we have in our hearts. Teach us how to reach out to those in need. Do not allow us to get so busy that we lose sight of what matters most. Souls. You long to see all people come to know you. Teach us how to comfort others in a way that ministers to their needs. Teach us how to truly rejoice in the success of others and not secretly harbor jealousy. Teach us how to pray.
Even in tragedy, we can trust You. You haven’t forgotten those who are hurting. You weep with them. You never change. You rule in the heavens. You are all knowing, all powerful and just. You are love. Perfect love. You can work through the worst of circumstances. You bring beauty from ashes. You are God. Your name is above ever name. One day every knee shall bow.
Please Lord have mercy on us. We’ve wandered so far from you. From our faith as a nation. From our first love. Restore our fire for you. Relationship is what matters, not religion. Thank you for hearing the cries of our nation. I pray for revival in the hearts of every believer. Start with me.
Earthly life is short and eternity is forever. We are not in control of our future, but we know the one who controls it. You!
In Jesus Name I pray,
What a beautiful, heartfelt, all-encompassing prayer. I will save this one…not just for 9/11, but for everyday!
Thank you.
Thank you for the reminder that He is our strong tower . . .