I spend too much time listening to trash talk radio playing in my head. I hear voices that say I’m a hypocrite, I’m vain, and I’m just too selfish to share my gifts and talents with the world.
This trash talk is in direct conflict with what I “choose” to spend time listening to each day. Truth is I spend hours almost every day listening to positive or motivational things. I can do this because I have lots of daily alone time. Yes I realize this is a gift. So whenever I shower or drive somewhere, I listen to worship or happy music on Pandora. When I wash dishes or fold laundry or pay the bills, I listen to a sermon or something educational on YouTube. I love to learn and I get bored without it. And I need the truth of God’s Word to combat my tendency towards shame-based thinking. Plus I want greater depth with God and greater life change.
Feeding my mind with good things is not optional because I know me. I tend to struggle with dark thoughts otherwise. I must focus on the good in this world somehow, some way. Because we all know the news is never good news. The media focuses on fear and all things negative like: who lied, who cried, who died, and who spied on someone who just lied or cried or died.
Recently I realized why I am not seeing change from all my hours of listening. My life is way more thought than action. Plus my belief system wavers, which means I doubt, question and over-analyze most everything. I struggle to fully believe God for my dreams and goals, but I believe big for you, just not for me. I’m too old, too wishy washy or something self critical. After all I know the Truth and so what’s the big deal? Why can’t I just DO the dang truth? What’s the hold up? Why do I still care what people think? Why the fear and insecurity if I have the Most High God on my side?
Here’s what I know as of today: I feed my mind with good things, but I have a hard time stopping long enough to APPLY what I’m learning to my life. Instead I tend to move on to the next new and shiny thing. I’m like a mental warehouse full of educational files, but what good is knowledge without someone actually using it?
Sure, I can share with you about health, nutrition, exercise, benefits of drinking water or juicing, and the best cancer fighting foods, but how well am I caring for MY own body today? I can talk about life coaching, creative dreams, goal setting, and discovering your values, but am I really living out mine? I can talk decorating, organizing, re-purposing, gardening, personality types, non-fiction books, Bible verses, BUT again is there a gap between what I say and what I do?
Yes. And there always will be a gap because I will never fully arrive. I am a work in progress. Learning, failing, and then learning all over again. But this year the gap is slowly shrinking and I am changing because of one simple thing:
And I’ll admit action is hard for me. It goes against my natural tendency to just sit and listen. Listening feels like an action step to me. I would rather be quiet and pour more knowledge in then actually do hard work like exercise, eat right, or extend forgiveness to someone who hurt me. But if I want to see lasting life change and the blessing of helping others, then I must stop listening to trash talk. And I must continue to listen to truth and also DO what is right. I must honor my God-given values and His Word without excuse.
Because listening isn’t enough.
Action is required.
Who leads the best example of love in action?
Jesus who listened to His Father moment by moment and hung on the cross for our redemption.
Listen to His words of love and compassion.
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)
Will you accept the truth that today you are indeed forgiven?
I do.
Today I lean NOT on my own understanding (or confusion or the mistakes of yesterday), and I lean into this day by taking gentle care of me and trusting God a little more.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.Proverbs 3:5-6
QUESTION FOR YOU: what are you listening to today? If it’s something negative, how is that benefiting you or those around you? If it’s positive, are you stopping long enough to apply what the positive to your life? Please share in comments or reply to this email (subscribers). Thank you.
I can relate to what you say very well. I too am blessed with much alone time and have spent it listening to and reading others work rather than doing my own. That has changed this year for me, too, and I have been doing lots of things that scare me and that pays off. I have to say it is not me but Christ in me who is making these changes and changing the tape in my head to something positive. I notice doing scary things grows confidence almost immediately even when you don’t do them well.
I love knowing you are being brave this year, Laura. I believe you have God’s smile as you walk out in confidence. And I agree, it’s Christ in us that does the changes.