One of my life values is the word–risk. As a child, I suffered with shyness, yet deep inside, I ached to share my heart and try new things. As I’ve grown older(ha), I believe in risking for God. I’ve found such reward through obedience and trusting God wherever He leads.
What does that look like for me?
Well, it depends. Once God prompted me to say “God loves you” to a teen in Goodwill. I risked looking like a religious lunatic. She was surprised and so thankful. Two years ago, God challenged me to volunteer with incarcerated teen girls. I wanted to run far. I argued with God long and hard. My risk? Possibly getting hurt or manipulated. They can be impulsive and violent. My reward? Knowing I spoke encouragement, love and prayers over a few hurting girls for a short season.
More risks? Writing is one of them, sharing something that could upset or offend others. I ask myself, “Will I live for God’s pleasure or man’s?” I waver here depending on the day.
Other risks I’ve taken recently are stepping out and telling others I’m available to speak. I risk others judging me and thinking who do you think you are. I have to set aside my own doubting, self-critical thoughts and trust God. If He’s in it, the opportunities will follow. I’m just required to take a step. A step of faith.
Then there are the risks of moving, changing jobs and stuff like that. I’ve had my share.
Some risks I’m still dreaming about are going on a missions trip to Africa. I believe God will open that door someday. I long to serve the suffering with my family.
I could ramble on and on about more risks. But I won’t.
Here’s what I’ve learned. Comfort and risk are enemies. Opposites. You can’t risk and stay comfortable. Risk is uncomfortable. So if you’re like me and find comfort enjoyable, you have to let it go. Change never happens in the safety of Comfort Island. You have to get into that risky boat and set sail, allowing God’s wind and waves to take you into uncharted territory. To where He designed you to go.
Will you take a step into the boat? Will you follow God’s leading?
Your reward is waiting! Risk it today! God is calling you out.
(I know I wrote this for someone, not sure who. That’s the risk I’m taking today. Someone needed this.)
Hey Tiffany
What a great post! I have found that it is in the risks I take for God that I find the most joy and fulfillment.
Your post also reminded me of something I heard Beth Moore speak about a couple of years ago, she asked us whether we were driven by the comforts of this world or by the love of Christ… it really made me stop and think and take an inventory of why I do what I do, and all too often it is for comfort and not for the love of Christ, I am striving to change that…
Have a wonderful day!
Yea, in some ways I am feeling a risk, though not to myself, but to my Courtney (18). She is headed to a spot in India for 3 weeks to stay with missionary friends and serve them. She will fly by herself and be picked up by the friends at the airport. It feels like a risk to let her go. But I have to remember who is calling her to go. She belongs to HIM.
Thanks for your sweet post.
I’m so glad you took “the risk” and wrote this.
Little by little you uncover and reveal your heart to us.
I’m so blessed you are taking risks, I was really blessed and once again challenged by your thoughtful post today.
Yes, it’s time to get out of the boat♥
Bless you for being willing to take risks my friend.
Oh how inspiring!! I admit, I like to stay in my comfort zone. I am hearing impaired, so as a girl, I isolated myself at home and I was too afraid to make friends. I didn’t want people to make fun of my speech or my lack of hearing. So that habit grew with me, even after I married my first boyfriend (it’s amazing that I had a boyfriend to begin with, I was that shy!).
Your blog made me realize that I need to make a “risk” at my new Church (we just moved), I am seriously lacking in fellowship. I think I need to put my foot forward and try to get to know the Church members, at the risk of being ridiculed for my hearing loss (which I know won’t happen but it is still a lingering fear).
Wow, this is a long comment and you inspired me to make a blog about it. Thank you!!
P.S. Your comment cracked me up, I love your humor 🙂
Tiffany!! This post could be a companion to my last one. Just take one step…
I am so there with you and was just thinking today how walking with God always calls us out of that comfort zone. He always asks us to do beyond our own ability. So faith = risk!! It’s so scary and exciting at the same time!!
Wonderful post!
((hugs)) Kathy
Include me in those for whom you wrote this post, Tiffany. I’m in the foothills of a big risk right now and it is dis-comforting! You expressed it well — and thereby helped bring me rest.
Your comment made perfect sense and gave me another thing to ponder about! You have that knack about you! I included an excerpt of your post, let me know if you want me to remove it. You inspired me so much in a short matter of time, thank you 🙂
Great post Tiffany! Its something we all need to hear as we TRUST and OBEY our Heavenly FATHER!
So true, Tiffany. We get risk to step in His boat and He will give us the strength to stand firm 🙂
Thank you for sharing your heart!
Just wanted to say that, as is often the case when I read your blog, I am in the same place. I grew up extremely shy and have just found my voice and gained a bit of confidence in the past few years. I’m often challenged to step out of my comfort zone as well, and I feel God beckoning me forward. Praise God that he doesn’t leave us where he finds us, eh?
Bless you!
Like you I suffered with shyness as a child, still do as a matter of fact. However, about a year ago God took me out of my comfort zone in a way I never expected. Since then little by little I’ve been learning to take risk with my heart, my voice, my writing… He’s been ever so patient with me. Thank you so much for this post, I am so there.