I’m in the middle of processing some changes over here. Can you relate? This uncomfortable feeling reminds me of when I take in my memory card to a photo lab to get pictures printed. Waiting to see what my pics will look like creates both excitement and a nervousness in me.
Will they good enough? Will the lighting be right? Did I over or under edit them? Am I wasting my money? Will I like what I see? Or maybe, just maybe, these images will be even better than I hope or imagine.
So often in my life God is working to fully develop me. I am processing and processing takes time. And just like the waiting for pics, I feel nervous and excited, wondering what I will see when He is done with me. The truth is I am the image God works on in that dark room. And so are you. His hand knows how long to dip us under and just how much light we need. He knows what image needs to be revealed and He knows actually what to use to get that in our lives. Often times God uses circumstances or relationships or changes, like He is in my life.
God’s goal is simple: Create in us the image of His son so that . . .His love and light may be revealed.
So how should I respond to the processing? I don’t know about you, but I’m learning to submit to His Hand and remain there. Trust Him when it’s dark and I can’t see what He is doing. Believe that something beautiful is about to be revealed. Praise Him for He is good regardless.
And remember, processing takes time. Waiting has great purpose.
We are waiting to see the Son.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Wow Tiffany! This is extremely timely! My best friend just moved across the country last week and I have had a hard time processing it. I just don’t really know what to do or where to go from here. But, like you said, it’s all about trust. I’ve been reading through your past posts, and that seems to be a common theme here! ๐
Tay, I can imagine you are wondering what God is up to with your best friend far away now. Can you Skype to see each other? I hope you stay connected somehow. Friends are precious. And thanks for noticing a theme of trust. That’s exactly what I am grappling with. Learning to trust.
Processing change isn’t always easy – at least not for me. Many times, I think I need to handle things on my own, rather than submitting to God’s will. And when I do, I mess it up everytime.
Thank you for this post as I am processing some changes also.
Thanks for taking time to share, Joan. Changes are hard, aren’t they? It’s hard to fully submit and not try to control God. I often try to manipulate circumstances and like you, I mess it up. I’m so glad God never gives up on us.
Wow! This is awesome! I know I need to make some serious changes, but I just can’t bring myself to do it, yet. GOD BLESS YOU! I am thankful blogger redirects us here. Will that be permanent or temporary? I need to get the link fixed on my blogs for this site.
Blessings and prayers,
Andrea, serious changes? Wow, that’s a tough place to be. I trust you will change as God gives you the grace to do so. Until then, trust He still has everything under control.
About my blog, this move is permanent. Thanks for finding me here. I’ve lost lots of friends by switching to self hosted site but I love the freedom now.
I’ll stop by and visit you soon!
Yes and amen. Thanks Tiffany.
you are welcome, Jason.
Love the way you express spiritual growth through powerful word pictures.
Thanks, Scoti. I can always count on you for believing in me when I don’t. xoxo
Are you sure you weren’t writing about my life? I can so identify with your words, and I, too, am learning to submit and wait and expect! Even in the “dark room,” He is working . . . and teaching . . . and sustaining!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Come again!
Very nicely written!
Beautiful — a injection of strength straight to the heart.
Thank you, Gloria. Your words minister to my heart.
Oh LOrd! I think He’s been dippin’ me so long my feet are pruny!
Love the analogy and it was very encouraging!
I have struggled with trying to be perfect and plan everything which only stole my joy and peace. I am learning to keep my eyes on Him and allow Him to do all the molding and planning. Your words have encouraged me!
There is a lot going on in “my processing room” right now; I’m excited to see the picture that will emerge. God is so faithful to meet me in my dark places and to work his beauty in the mix.
Looking foward meeting you very soon. Godspeed until then.
Can’t wait to see you, Elaine.