Father God, thank You for life. What a word, LIFE. Thank You for the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus. Though this life will pass away, we find comfort in everlasting life with You. Life without end. Endless time to know You, love You and be loved by You. Thank You.
Lord, I pause today to pray for all the churches that will be remembering life this Sunday in honor of Sanctity of Human Life. Bless their messages. Use them to speak with tenderness and love. Remind them of the fact that there are hurting women sitting among them. Women who were once like me, ashamed from a “choice.” Please Lord, set Your women free. Heal and redeem them and use them to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
I pray for a wake up call for all those who perform abortions. Let them see what they are really doing. Soften their hearts. Change their stance. Move them from choice to life. Use their stories to then change more hearts like You are doing through Abby Johnson.
I pray for Pam Tebow as she speaks tonight about her choice for life. Bless her and her family. Thank You for the gift of her son Tim Tebow and his willingness to boldly proclaim Christ.
I pray for LIFE–all stages of life. Life in the womb, to birth and babyhood, the toddler years, elementary age, tween years, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, the golden years, and those in hospice. Thank You for life no matter where we find ourselves. You are the giver of life. You give and take away. We praise You for all of life no matter what.
My heart is heavy for those who suffer in silence today and this weekend. Somehow, some way, reach out and tenderly touch those wounded places of their heart. Show them they don’t have to pay the price for the rest of their lives. They can walk in dignity once and for all.
In Jesus name, Amen
(To add a prayer today, please link up anytime. I’d love to agree with you in written prayer.)
AMEN! and AMEN! and amen…
The Lighthouse of Prayer has URGENT petitions and others.
Thank you Tiffany! Thank you Pam, Abby and all others openly or secretly dealing with this issue and the sanctity of life. The precious lives created yet God was not able to breathe life into here yet He holds on the other side. Thank You Lord for carrying our precious babies and caring for them!
Each and every one precious in Your eyes! Thank You for Your unfailing love, Your amazing Grace and mercies … Be with each mother and protect lives, give HOPE for anyone facing a situation that they may see as hopeless. Breathe LIFE into each one… by Your Holy Spirit touch and help each one.
Be gentle and sensitive, O Lord as You comfort and heal. Hold back the wrath and set captives free.
Instill in us Your Compassionate heart to love as You love without judgement but with conviction.
Rescue the lost, redeem them. Rescue the innocent unable to speak for themselves. Thank You for LIFE! Thank You for eternal life! Thank You for open arms… may we reflect that and sensitivity as we stand for justice with a PEACE that comes from You! I love You Lord! Thank You ever so much!
Peace, love and JOY (joining you with my prayers),
Amen. Thank you, Peggy for adding to my prayer. I LOVE IT! God hears our cries. And thanks for linking us to people who need prayers. God bless you, friend.
Thank you for your beautiful prayer! Please continue to pray without ceasing.
Awesome prayer, Tiffany. Amen and amen! Thank you.