Lord, when words escape me, You know full well what is going on in Japan. This earthquake and tsunami You already knew about. You allowed this for reasons beyond our understanding. People come together in times of tragedy. We’ve seen it time and time again. Thank You that Your love remains when the earth shakes and the waves race inland. Your grace is still sufficient for each day. Please, God, send hope. Send rescuers and provision today and every day until the land is restored and the people are healed. In Your name, Jesus, I pray, Amen
Praying with you Tiffany for Japan… Germaine Copeland, author of “Prayers that Avail Much” sent me an email last night “A Call to Pray for Japan”:
Dear Peggy,
We are asking everyone to take a minute of your time and say a prayer for the Japanese people. Pray for God to give them the wisdom that they need to bring the reactor under control. Remember “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” John 15:13. Pray for a great spiritual awaking in Japan releasing the wave of the Holy Spirit to flow across this Nation. Also, pray for those who are there on the ground laying down their lives for their friends.
There is power in the Scriptural prayer of agreement.
Loving in Jesus’ Name,
Word Ministries Inc
Prayer for the Nation
When this first happened John Piper from “Desiring God” has been sharing much about Japan and he wrote this prayer:
Father in heaven, you are the absolute Sovereign over the shaking of the earth, the rising of the sea, and the raging of the waves. We tremble at your power and bow before your unsearchable judgments and inscrutable ways. We cover our faces and kiss your omnipotent hand. We fall helpless to the floor in prayer and feel how fragile the very ground is beneath our knees.
O God, we humble ourselves under your holy majesty and repent. In a moment—in the twinkling of an eye—we too could be swept away. We are not more deserving of firm ground than our fellowmen in Japan. We too are flesh. We have bodies and homes and cars and family and precious places. We know that if we were treated according to our sins, who could stand? All of it would be gone in a moment. So in this dark hour we turn against our sins, not against you.
And we cry for mercy for Japan. Mercy, Father. Not for what they or we deserve. But mercy.
Have you not encouraged us in this? Have we not heard a hundred times in your Word the riches of your kindness, forbearance, and patience? Do you not a thousand times withhold your judgments, leading your rebellious world toward repentance? Yes, Lord. For your ways are not our ways, and your thoughts are not our thoughts.
Grant, O God, that the wicked will forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Grant us, your sinful creatures, to return to you, that you may have compassion. For surely you will abundantly pardon. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus, your beloved Son, will be saved.
May every heart-breaking loss—millions upon millions of losses—be healed by the wounded hands of the risen Christ. You are not unacquainted with your creatures’ pain. You did not spare your own Son, but gave him up for us all.
In Jesus you tasted loss. In Jesus you shared the overwhelming flood of our sorrows and suffering. In Jesus you are a sympathetic Priest in the midst of our pain.
Deal tenderly now, Father, with this fragile people. Woo them. Win them. Save them.
And may the floods they so much dread make blessings break upon their head.
O let them not judge you with feeble sense, but trust you for your grace. And so behind this providence, soon find a smiling face.
In Jesus’ merciful name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, You still are on the Throne and You have our complete attention. Yet what I am reading and hearing is that You are calling for REPENTANCE. This week as I looked at Your Word on “repentance”, I see that You desire more than anything for each of us, for our nation and for Japan, hearts that are cleansed and seeking You first. You are calling us to repent. This is how we prepare the way for Your coming.
Lord, I ask for You to forgive me. Forgive the nation of Japan. Forgive the United States of America.
May we humble ourselves this day and turn toward You.
Father, be merciful on us and on the dear people of Japan. Extend Your arm of grace, mercy, love and compassion through us the Church. Let us be Your hands and feet. We cry out to Your Omnipotence and ask that You resolve the problem at the nuclear plants. That You put a hedge of protection over those willing to sacrifice their lives and health for the sake of the many. We ask protection over the rescue workers and people in Japan. We ask for Your shield over Your people so that the gospel will be furthered. We ask for You Comfort and miracles as we await Your work being done in Japan. Bring those who do not know You, to a place of knowing You rather than despair, confusion and anger. I see patience in many of the broken hearts waiting for aide or food or gas in long lines and much self discipline. Pour out Your Spirit upon these people and speak life in the midst of so much death and destruction. Speak the truth in love of Jesus to these precious people. May they denounce all other gods and praise the name of Jesus. May the Japanese bow to You, as Lord and Savior, as You redeem them. We are on our knees, crying out for Your unfailing love, amazing grace and great mercy. Father, I ask for strength for the weary, comfort for the many hurting, faith and hope in You for those in despair, love for those of us reaching out to touch the Japanese as Jesus touched so many.
Hold back Your wrath and judgment. Breathe forth Your Spirit with life and fullness of life in Jesus.
Your Word tells us that You do not desire not one to perish but that You so loved the WORLD. Japan is part of this world. “For God so loved Japan that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” We ask for eternal life to be poured out and that You would be glorified in Japan in Jesus precious Name….